The Generic Introduction

Day 2,819, 10:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Daddy Underpants

Hello muppets dear readers (plural, because I hope my mom won't be the only one to read this),

After more than a year and a half of playing this game I have finally scraped up enough money to buy myself a newspaper. As you can probably already see from the immense blandness of this article, it is the first one I ever wrote. Given that, I could not come up with a better topic for it than an introduction to the purposes of this newspaper (and I tried for a whole 30 seconds).

So, without further ado: as the name "Another Generic Newspaper" suggests, this generic newspaper will be used for generic purposes, such as my generic congress/PP/CP candidacy speeches, generic party advertisements during generic election times, generic commentaries on eUK's generic current events and completing generic missions that generic Plato generically releases for us (speaking of which, plz gib generic comments bellow).

That is all for now, stay tuned in for more genericness sometime in the foreseeable (if you're a psychic) future.