The Future Of The European Social Alliance

Day 488, 11:26 Published in Belgium Pakistan by Habraka Abrivianius

Dear citizens of The New World,

In the last few days, I have heard many rumours concerning the ESA, it's membership and it's future. Apparently countries like Portugal, The Netherlands, Germany-Austria, France and perhaps others have given up on the ESA project, have decided to leave it and let is die a slow and painful death. This news has reached me from several sources, some of them high-ranking officials. However, I have not yet seen any official statement from any ESA country stating it has left the ESA. Perhaps because those countries feel the ESA is death, and thus they should not bother with making any statements because frankly, nobody seems to care.

I have been playing MMOG's for six years now, and in my time I have seen more then my share of projects like the ESA fail due to lack of commitment, willpower and faith. I am not going to lie to you about this, I too see the ESA failing due to the lack of commitment and faith. Currently, the ESA is an empty shell, it has no influence, it has no power, it cannot fight for it's survival. Therefore, I feel a change in the ESA modus operandi is required.

I propose that the European Social Alliance should be transformed from a meaningless name it is today, to a full-fledged military alliance that can rival the current superpowers ATLANTIS and PEACE. This would entail that being a member of the ESA means that you cannot be a member of PEACE nor ATLANTIS at the same time. It is the only way of giving the ESA the claws it needs to defend and enforce it's policy and values, and to put a stop to the bi-polarisation of international politics that is dominating the world today. People need to start making choices. Are we going to take the easy way out, and let ATLANTIS and PEACE dominate the world, economically, politically and military wise? Are we going to succumb to subversive power games played by those superpowers, or are we going to stand up and start carving out our own destiny and future in The New World?

No alliance is formed overnight and survives for many aeons. It takes hard word, commitment, time and patience to build something from the ground up, like the ESA. We are not going to get anything for free, we will have to be willing to fight for what we believe. Fight for our independence, our freedom to stake our claim to our regions, our freedom to decide what we want to do in this game, the freedom to not stand idle when yet another new country is going to succumb to political take-over and plundering. The people and it's leaders need to make the though decision of standing up for an ideal, to fight for the values we hold dear.

This is a call to all European nations, to unite and transform this divided and war-torn continent into something more, something better. A call to put aside petty differences and the vendetta's that haunt us since the early days of Beta, to create a true European superpower that can compete on par with the Asian and American nations. This will not happen overnight, there will not be a massive influx of large and strong countries to the ESA. This ambitious project will more than likely have to grow overtime from a small collective of like-minded nations, enduring much hardship and resistance, to a power bloc that encompasses most of the European continent. But there always needs to be someone who takes the first step. The founding members of a military ESA will be the ones that truly believe in this beautiful project, it will be the ones willing to stand up to ATLANTIS and PEACE and say; "we will not take part in your pathetic little mind games for complete control and utter dominance, we decide our own course and we are willing to go tooth and nail to defend what we believe in".

I am a realistic man. I know that in the initial days, weeks and months after the creation of a military ESA, we will not going to be able to match the ATLANTIS and PEACE superpower's military might. Alone, we will most likely not be able to fend of a full-fledged invasion if either ATLANTIS or PEACE decides to execute that. But it is in face of danger, in a fight for survival that people show what they are worth. Are they going to fight for an ideal, how futile it might seem, or are they going to cave in to threats and unreasonable demands and be a slave to imperialism for the rest of their lives? Regions can be invaded and conquered, Hospitals and Defence Systems can be destroyed, entire countries can be wipe of the map. But those same regions can also be liberated, Hospitals and Defence Systems can be rebuild, and countries can be reclaimed from imperialistic forces.

A great nation, a great people is not defined by it's wealth, it's allies or it's military might. No, a great nation and great people are defined by their tenacity to fight for a cause, the willpower to endure hardship, the patience to wait for the right time to strike, the courage to go all out when defending everything they hold dear. We need people like you to commit yourself to the cause, we need you to give some of your time, your wealth, your patience and your faith to make the ESA something more than just a name and a forum, more than just yet another great idea, that was not acted upon and was quietly forgotten.

Therefore I ask to each and every citizen in Europe; talk to your local politicians and urge them to consider the ESA as a viable alternative to the bi-polarisation of the world, make articles encouraging your country and it citizens to give their support to the ESA, develop friendly ties to other Europeans, get on the roof of your Q2 House and shout out your support for the ESA to everyone who wants to hear it. With each citizen that is convinced to support the ESA, the project grows and the dream comes one step near to becoming reality.

And history will say the European Social Alliance was build by it's citizens, for it's citizens.


Habraka Abrivianius