The Future of eAustralia?

Day 1,940, 01:30 Published in Australia Australia by AugustusX
The views expressed in this article do not directly reflect that of the eAustralian Government nor really those adopted by Flatty himself, so GTFO and STFU.

It's been a while now... Well actually it's been forever since eAustralia has been occupied, bullied, betrayed, undermined, forgotten and disappointed. Each of these feelings have just become second nature to those of us that survived through the PTO from eIndonesia. Put up with the months long occupation that resulted in eUS intervention. The then disappointing events of eChile and eNZ invading and the failed attempt of eCroatia and eRomania to come through for us, no matter how much they tried. We've always suffered and when it comes down to it, we can do very little against it.

But it's this suffering that has formed us into the nation we are. We are persevering, determined and often self-destructive. It's become the general attitude of the nation to act like this after being repressed for so long. It's always heart-warming and inspiring for new players to come along and join the struggle, and I salute you. But at the end of the day, we'll be placed back in our spot, at the bottom of the food-chain. But it's you guys who keep us fighting, realising that we cannot give up hope at being free. Never.

I recently begun university, studying International Relations, and we have just discussed the 'anarchy' of the International System. As in our society we have laws, police etc to carry out the laws set by government, in the International System there is NO police. We operate in a system of "the strong do what they want, and the weak do as they must." This rule applies more so to an online internet game, where national pride, the UN, global trade and sanctions are NOT factors. eArgentina, eChile and those of the like, who do have the power to subject others, have no fear of repercussions because there are none, no matter how they go about achieving their end goals.

Until the day admin say that treaties can be signed in-game with approval of congress, and the law of the eWorld CAN be enforced, we will remain the repressed child of it's larger siblings. Admin need to take action and they need to do it soon. The ailing populations of the weaker and occupied nations is growing, and the game is suffering. We are losing our patience. It's time to act, and it's time to act now.

Irrespective of the CoT Court's conclusion, eChile and eIndonesia will still find a way to occupy us. They will still find a way of take what they want. CoT, much like the UN is powerless against two of it's most strongest nations. In comparison to the US incursion of Iraq, the UN say no, they do it anyway, because in our Anarchical system of International Relations, there is no one to say no.

So we are at the mercy of our friends, and we do hope they will help us, as they have before. But it was most disappointing when the USA, a good from IRL and in-game decided to leave us to the vultures of eChile that were hovering around the prey of our regions, warded off only by the power of our nearby Eagle, that would swoop if needed. The Eagle flew. The Vulture's dived, and here we are, back in stage 1... Occupied, bullied, betrayed, undermined, forgotten and disappointed, all at once.

In my article I have not aimed to reach a conclusion, but rather to make sense of our situation and what we can or can't do about it. What we do, well that is for time to tell and the actions of not just our government, but our friends and the international system. Will they help us? Will we take the right avenue? Even if it is impossible to know right now, where our hopes lie? It's a game of odds and chance, let's hope we roll a six.

Think on it eAustralia, where do you want to be, because the future is yours. Do you want to resign to the cycle that has been our existence since day 1? Or do you want to keep trying and trying until admin decide to help, because without order in our International System in eRepublik, we are at the mercy of our neighbours.

GG and TTYL.
