The Freeholder Press endorses...

Day 442, 13:54 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

The Canadian public has the enviable position on the 5th of choosing between three imminently competent people to lead our nation for the coming term.

Zanalan, Derakor and Bruck have each made their mark and continue to represent Canada with integrity and dedication. They say that we often get the politicians that we deserve and if that is true, then we must be on the right path. Especially during the presidential debate we saw all three candidates raise the level of discourse, steer away from attempting to score cheap political points and present their positions and ideals in concise and clear fashion. We should all be proud by such statesmanship.

Bruck in particular deserve mention for the way that he changed the tone his party was adopting in these interesting times. The 11th hour changing of the guard from Augustus Baldwin to John Wilkmot can only be seen positively. Cynics will whisper that it was merely posturing and politiking at it's best, and the audience can certainly appreciate the tactical strength of such a move, but the honesty of Bruck's position shone through. Here was a man of action that when called upon to speak, used all the right words.

Derakor's star is in ascendancy of that there is no doubt. Many times during the presidential coverage we heard of his growing respect on the international stage and gaining the trust and support of the PPC is a testament to his broad appeal and moderate position. It was Derakor who made the most intriguing proposal during the presidential debate when he suggested that a Canada outside of Atlantis should not be neutral but rather seek membership in Peace. One wonders if we detect here a willingness to normalize international relations with some of these states.

Zanalan's goal had to be pretty straightforward coming into this. He needed to make the point that his administration did what it set out to do, that Canada was in a better position because of it and that the best outcome for all citizens was staying the course. Zanalan did in fact stay on message. The most visible accomplishments of this administration can be seen in the efforts extended to better integrating new Canadians. Forum registration and attendance sharply increased. New citizen incentives are more in line with what our economy can handle and the immigration department appears to be quite successful. More than these talking points however we have to applaud the courage of Zanalan in surrounding himself with extremely capable people. The government is only as effective as its weakest minister and of these there weren't any.

So the choice was not an easy one but in the end it was a clear one. The Freeholder Press endorses Zanalan for President. We point out the fact that a re-elected Zanalan cabinet would see both Derakor and Bruck stay in the positions for which they have garnered such respect and accolades. Re-electing the incumbent would allow Canadians to have the full benefit of Zanalan's capacity for building consensus and strong government, Derakor's tactical acumen at Defence and Bruck's long experience and strong leadership as General.

A strong Canada is above all a stable Canada. With the present baby boom it behooves citizens from coast to coast to vote for steady governance, experience and continuity. Prosperity is not achieved overnight so stay the course and show your support by voting on the 5th.

Canada thanks all presidential candidates and wishes them luck in all their future endeavors.