The Foolish Need Education

Day 1,749, 10:42 Published in USA Canada by olivermellors

The current policy, purposely losing bonuses, seems foolish to me. If it has any chance of success it must be a long term strategy.

Civil Anarchy writes:

Day 1,749, 08:44

Regaining economic bonuses is easy. We literally have to take 2 provinces from Canada, and 3 provinces from Mexico. Regaining Sovereignty is another matter entirely. PTO's destroy communities, decimate treasuries, and demolish countries. The people here now cannot be dealt with via diplomacy, nor can they be asked to leave. A PTO would hurt this country far more than 60/60 for a month. We've survived it before, and we can survive it again.

This seems greater foolishness. Of course it is child's play to take a few regions from Canada and Mexico. It is obvious that America will only go a few weeks or a month without its 100/100 bonus. It is obvious to you, to me, and to all the people who will NOT leave because it is so obvious. They can survive it as well as everyone else. The people here cannot be dealt with via foolishness. If you want to re-orient by invading canada why not just say so.

A true political takeover attempt by ONE agents is not going to be demoralized by a change in bonus: the 15 million dollar treasury is much more valuable. Neutralizing America's industrial capacity is much more attractive. Reducing US battlefield damage is much more appealing. The issue is whether there exists a credible threat that ONE agents can elect a majority of congress. That needs to be addressed clearly, concretely, quantitatively.

A different threat certainly exists. Friendly and honest players will disrupt a president's plans : it is the nature of politics and society. Complaining that some players don't have the true American spirit just masks the reality they have a different view. Resorting to concepts of sovereignty is as bad, in this context, as draping oneself in the flag. * pro forma reference to scoundrel cliche omitted*

Is there some sort of other threat? If so it needs to be explained clearly, concretely and quantitatively. I just don't see a threat (except by ONE agents, long term) to destroy the community, decimate the treasury, and demolish the country.

I am open to education. I think most Americans are. I don't like foolishness and want to avoid it.