The FMP does not have a Erepublik wiki article

Day 1,864, 21:21 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

So there I was randomly poking around on eRepublik's wiki you know seeing what alliances existed, seeing whos friends with who. Anyway I was reading through the articles for the various political parties in eMalaysia and noticed that the FMP does not have an eRepublik wiki article.

Now I know that the wiki isn't always kept up to date but it is one of the only sources for eRepublik history and I believe that our party's short history is worthy of being dug up by curious players years from now.

Thus I am volunteering to type up a little wiki article for the FMP. But I need some history about the party first. So if there is anyone out there who knows some history about the FMP please enlighten me.

I also noticed that just about every newish(as in the past year or so) face in eMalaysian politics don't have an eRepublik wiki article. I would also like to get some articles written about the new important figures in eMalaysia.

We owe it to the future of eMalaysia to allow future players to be able to look back and see who the former leaders of eMalaysia were (badlands, nagyzee, gen tiger you guys were awesome)

anyway sorry for the seemingly random rambling,

EDIT: fireborne has created a wiki article for the FMP