The First Week and Election Analysis

Day 1,762, 10:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Equalist

Welcome to the first edition of Republic City Times. In this article, I will discuss my first week as a citizen in this world and country, plus yesterday’s Party President Election. Please vote and subscribe. Feedback and comments are also appreciated.

It all started browsing around the Internet. I don’t usually play online games such as this, but being the political junkie that I am, I thought this would be interesting. I will admit that it was a bit overwhelming at first. All of a sudden I am faced with all these missions and fighting in wars. After letting it soak in, getting the basics down was fairly easy: work and train every day, and get involved in battles. Since it was recommended to join the NHS military unit, I did so. Being given food for fighting each day has helped a lot, even though I am running short on gold since I’m new and militarily weak. Hopefully that will change once I gain more strength and receive medals over the coming weeks.

A few days later I joined the forums since the NHS had advertized it and I heard there was plenty of free stuff for new players. Although for some reason my email account was acting weird, I finally managed to get access with the help of some experienced members. I am grateful for all the free supplies, although I am still waiting on a couple of packages to be received. Joining the forums has allowed me to see what this place really is all about. I had no idea how complex certain issues are. From government funding to wars and things I’m not even sure are about, it is clear I still have a lot to learn about. But experience comes with time, so hopefully I can make contributions to the discussion soon.

As for political parties, I tried to do some research on the eRepublik wiki to gather more information about each party, but it seems as if much of that is outdated. I had received some messages from people asking to join their party, but ultimately I decided to join the Unity Party. They seem to be a well established party the best suits my political ideology. Now that my first week is completed, I plan on diving into the politics of this place. I suppose I have a long term plan envisioned, but I shall see where the future takes me.

Ok, enough of the autobiographical stuff, now for the information you probably want to read. Here are my thoughts on the election. I will focus mostly on two elections: The Unity Party and The UKPP. I was somewhat surprised at the outcome of my party’s election. I had imagined it would be closer, perhaps a three way race between invalidi_vozodovac1, Hristo Gonev, and DaJoXTeR. This analysis is mostly based on that these people created manifestos and to a certain extent, campaigned. But what do I know, I’m just a new guy. In the end, out of the 14 candidates, invalidi_vozodovac1 gained nearly 50% of the vote with three other candidates getting over 25% combined and the rest getting just a few votes each. Congratulations to invalidi_vozodovac1 on winning the election.

The closest election was in the UKPP, the third largest party in the country. With just a couple of votes separating the two frontrunners, Dannyboy0014 won the election. But the reason this election is worth mentioning is because of the tactics used by Sir Nick Griffin. I received two messages, one of which from the candidate himself. He said that if I vote for him, I would get one gold in return. By this time, I had already voted, but I probably would have rejected the offer even if I hadn’t yet vote. While that gold is appealing, especially to a new guy like me, I do believe this is bordering the line of corruption and bribery. Maybe this is common in this game, maybe not. Perhaps a more experienced player could show those trends. I have also witnessed voters asking for something in exchange for their vote. I would personally condemn these actions, and this is certainly something I would not do if I one day decide to run in an election.

A quick look at the other elections, in just about all the other parties, the winner won by a landslide. Out of all the parties, a total of 434 votes were cast.

Thanks for reading!