The First One / Primul

Day 612, 05:31 Published in Romania Romania by Lord ICO
So it begins... / Asa incepe...


Is not actually the first article that I am writing, but surely is the first one that hits the media, because... you probably know the off-logging story when you are writing a longer article, so..
So, straight to the subject. Why am I writing an article related to me and the coming elections in English as well? Because I am fully aware that we have inhabitants from many countries in our beloved eRomania, that might e interested in the coming Congress Elections.
I've started to play the game for the fun of it, of course, but... the possibility of actually altering the course of a "close to reality" history in the making fascinated me. Since then, I realized I will not be able to catch up with the old timers of this game, but still, reading the newspapers from several countries and being the witness of this eWorld transformation, made me want to be a more important part of it all. And here I am, closing in to my third month of eRepublik involvement, trying to take the step forward to the eRomanian Congress.
Is not the gold, nor the medal that drives me forward, is the feeling that I might be better at this than some former congressmen. I am a candidate in Muntenia, I know is very close to impossible to get it, due to the fact that here is "la creme de la creme" of the eRomanian political class, with access to far greater publicity and means of promotion, but hey! You have to start somehow, right?
To conclude... What do I stand for? Well, I strongly do believe that in order to change and better our Real Life(RL) fate in the New World, we have to change ourselves from within. We have to find the power to believe that we can actually surpass whatever doctrines we've grown to live by and come together in a higher than life unity to prove ourselves worthy of a greater destiny ! We have to lower our individual ambitions for the good of us like a group! It might sound like big and corny words to some, but I hope many have kept the hope of change that once was shaking our country. And I also strongly believe that once and when we will manage that here, many of the intelligent people playing this game would have had the taste of it and would also be eager to replicate it in our own beloved country, Romania !

Good luck in this life and the real one!


Nu este, de fapt, primul articol scris de mine, doar ca pe primul l-am "pierdut" ca orice incepator care nu stie de delogarea automata care face sa pierzi tot ce ai scris fara sa dai si copy inainte 🙂
Acum , la subiect. De ce scriu articolul in Romana si Engleza ? Pentru ca stiu ca avem printre locuitori si cetateni ai altor tari, care ar putea fi interesati de alegerile pentru congres ce au loc maine.

Am inceput participarea la acest joc pentru amuzament si destindere, la inceput, dar, mai apoi, am fost fascinat de posibilitatea de a schimba ceva in istoria moderna a unei realitati palpabile, compusa din oameni adevarati, cetateni ai multor tari din intreaga lume. De atunci, am realizat mai intai ca imi va fi imposibil sa prind din urma jucatorii cu state vechi in joc, dar totusi, citind ziarele din multe alte tari si fiind martorul acestei povesti zilnice de razboi, diplomatie si economie, ba chiar de viata alternativa, am inceput sa-mi doresc sa fac parte mai pregnant din tot acest carusel. Si iata-ma, la aproape trei luni de la "eNastere" , incerc marea cu piciorul si candidez la un post de congressman in eRomania.

Nu sunt tentat neaparat de medalie sau de goldul obtinut asa, cat mult mai mult de credinta ca as putea fi mai bun decat altii inaintea mea. Candidez in Muntenia, unde stiu ca am sanse slabe, datorita faptului ca aici este crema clasei politice eRomanesti, cu acces mult mai bun la publicitate si promo decat mine, fiind multi membri marcanti si lideri de partide sau organizatii. Dar trebuie sa incerci, trebuie sa incepi de undeva...

In incheiere... Care mi-ar fi crezul? Pai, cred cu putere ca, pentru a putea incerca o schimbare a situatiilor negative cu care ne intalnim cu totii in frumoasa tarisoara din Lumea Reala (RL) si sa le prevenim si corectam in eRepublik, trebuie sa "umblam" serios in adancul mentalitatii noastre.
Trebuie sa gasim in noi puterea de a crede ca doctrinele si metehnele cu care am crescut in viata de toate zilele nu le putem schimba decat noi, cei care putem sa ne unim pentru un bine de grup, in dauna ambitiilor personale care sunt stimulate de capitalismul asta salbatic in care traim. Stiu ca poate suna comunist ceea ce spun, dar cred ca daca am reveni la sentimentul de speranta si solidaritate care ne-a animat in anii '90 si l-am transpune in eRepublik, nimic nu ne-ar putea sta in cale, nici in joc, nici in RL! Si mai cred si ca daca toti oamenii inteligenti care au ales sa se implice intr-un astfel de proiect/joc ca eRepublik si-ar pune mintea la contributie IMPREUNA, ar putea fi si nucleul care ar putea, in fine, sa schimbe si draga tarisoara Romania, nu numai cea cu "e" in fata!

Bafta tuturor, in viata si in eRepublik, The New World!