The First Flight...

Day 877, 23:55 Published in USA USA by MaveriQ

Hello dear friends,

For quite some time I have been following articles written by my fellow countrymen and few other friends across the globe. I commented critically to the articles, participated actively in the debates on IRC and wrote long emails to fellow citizens on various issues.

But for past few days, I am increasingly having this feeling that commenting on articles or debating on IRC doesn't really do justice to what I have to say. At times there is a misunderstanding and at others, I end up writing the same thing to various people individually. And more often than not, people have the impression of me being a maverick!

So I said to myself, it's about time I took up the pen (though in this case it's just my dusty keyboard) and start to ramble! so here i am... on my first flight 🙂

It's election day today, and one of the Articles by Ahsan Shahbaz made me browse through the candidates for party elections. I noticed something quite interesting which I wanted to share with.. uh well.. any subscribers I might get 😛

Leading candidates of two of the parties have very intriguing profiles. The kind of profiles that should raise some eyebrows and few questions. The kind of profiles that might belong to two very close brothers 😉 (if you get the drift)

Let's have a look at how close the brothers are

(a) Both were born on the same day
(b) Both are loners. No friends and still they have (or will) make it to the top of two parties!
(c) Both are unemployed. When you are the party president, who needs to work! 😛
(d) Both have no newspaper (Probably they let their protégés do all the campaigning)
(e) Both have no worries about their wellness
(f) Both have experience and national rank difference of just 1 and damage difference of just 10

People might believe in coincidences. I might allow for some of that, but the profiles I see above are far too 'brotherly' for any coincidence!

Do I smell a rat or is it just my smelly nose 😛

So I kicked off my media life by a controversy! But then isn't it exactly what you should expect from a maverick! 🙂