The First Ever UIP Scandal

Day 452, 23:24 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

It looks like I won't be going uncontested during my first ever party presidential race. A new candidate, Jeremy Hutchinson has decided to put his name on the ballot at the last minute. I have a number of issues with this, one being that he isn't even a true UIP member, and second, he tried to bribe me for the spot.

Jeremy, if you want to donate 2 Gold to the party, that's fine, but you could have just clicked the donate button. I mean, it's not like you honestly have the party's true ideals in mind in this election. Lord knows what you have in mind, but it isn't what's best for the party.

If anything this article is making me look weak, so I'll end it here. Jeremy, like you said, I know you'll deny the allegations, so go ahead, it's my word over yours unless you do something to make me post the proof.