The First eCanadian Communist Manifesto

Day 885, 11:23 Published in Canada Canada by Socialist Party of eCanada" />


Never before in eCanadian history has a party had the courage to suggest such radical changes to the country’s primary systems as the Communist Party of eCanada presents today in its first manifesto. In the effort to adapt the main principles of communism to eRepublik, we’ve found concrete ways to switch from the current capitalist system to one of societal equality and significantly increased productivity.

As we announce our intentions today for the country, the party also wishes to reveal a new logo that highlights our main goals. The maple leaf is central to the design to promote our pride in being eCanadians, and the pride that all eCanadians should feel about their country. That important symbol houses a well-known communist symbol, the hammer and sickle, which represents power and efficiency, two traits that no country can be without. Above the leaf are red stars, whose five points are the five fingers of the worker, the class central to our manifesto. Finally, radiating from behind the maple leaf are the rays of the sun, rising over a new era in eCanadian history, the Communist Era.

I encourage all workers, the proletarians of our society, to stand up to those in power and to demand an end to our social inequality. Join the Communist Party of eCanada and together we can overthrow the bourgeoisie, the capitalists who exploit and oppress you for their own gain. We need a government that looks out for the workers, not the rich. Vote for communists, and that is what you will receive!

- Stormwhitelab
Party President


The economic system of eCanada doesn’t work for those who need it most - the workers. A major overhaul is now required to right the wrongs of past leaders and to ensure eCanadians have access to everything they need to retain wellness and contribute to the success of our country. After the failures of many government tax-shuffles, we need a whole new economic system, and we are the only party with the ability to implement it.

Instead of the current company system, we must switch to a series of communes. Too many sectors in the economy are set up to create losses, which hurts both the employer and employee. Conversely, sectors that are able to create profit are inundated with competition insuring that some companies won’t be able to their sell product, and those that do may have to reduce their prices to a level that turns profits into losses. We need to remove these inefficiencies to ensure all of our resources are being used in a productive manner. The Communist Party of eCanada will:
- Switch to a system of government-funded communes where eCanadians can apply to run a commune and will be given a small incentive to do so. Communes will be set up in organizations created by the government to ensure access to both the government official in charge and the commune operator. Successful commune operators can apply for additional communes over time.
- Pay every worker, regardless of skill level, the same wage. The minimum wage will be raised to this level to make sure no workers are denied the country wage.
- Create communes only in sectors where they are deemed necessary. We will only create Q5 raw materials and weapons, while making only Q1 gifts and the whole range of food.
- Raise the income tax to 99% in all sectors. This way we know commune operators won’t be able to steal from the country and emigrate to another country with what they've taken.
- Raise the import tax to 99% in all sectors. By doing this we know companies in other countries won’t be able to distort our economy and undercut eCanadian communes, meaning fewer jobs for eCanadians.
- Maintain a 1% VAT in all sectors, unless changes are required for the good of the country.


In a system so dependent on war for progression, no country can be without a strong military and its citizens shouldn’t be denied the tools necessary to defend their country. Current government initiatives do not go far enough to protect eCanada from foreign attacks. We need to move toward a new defense strategy that will position eCanadians for victory. The Communist Party of eCanada will:
- Make Q5 weapons affordable to all eCanadians on the country wage. There is no need for weapons from Q1 to Q4, so they will not be produced. This will allow every citizen to inflict the maximum amount of damage everyday.
- Place Q5 defense systems in strategic border regions, and possibly on the future titanium regions. By choosing the proper placement of these resources, the population will settle itself in provinces and territories that will best defend eCanada against foreign attacks.
- Strengthen relations with our alliances and work to ally with more countries for the purpose of defense. A country without strong allies is a country waiting for defeat.


The backbone of our economy is our workers, and they aren’t being properly respected. Every eCanadian deserves the best of products and continual high wellness. The Communist Party of eCanada will:
- Distribute food to commune operators that are 1 quality level higher than that of their communes. Operators will then distribute that food to their workers. This will be done every few days, not on a daily basis.
- Use gifts to restore any additional wellness lost. We will also look into the possibility of distributing houses to workers before V2 when gifts will not be available.
- Place Q5 hospitals in the provinces and territories chosen for Q5 defense systems to ensure eCanadians move to regions that will strengthen the country’s defenses.
- Create a new guide for new eCanadians explaining the systems in place for them to retain high wellness and contribute to the country’s success.