The Final Resignation of Adam Sutler

Day 329, 10:18 Published in Canada Canada by Adam Sutler

Greetings one and all.
Like many of you I was wary, yet eager in regards to the release of V1.
However, in the words of the immortal V for Vendetta, "The world that I am a part of, and that I helped to create, dies tonight."
To me, this game is now officially dead. I have enjoyed my time here, but the game that now exists is not the one that I have fallen in love with, it is not the one which I have devoted myself to. Therefore I am announcing my official resignation from all eRepublikan matters. But whereas I am the current employer of no less than 25% of the eCanadian population, quitting cold turkey will have severe side-effects. Therefore, I have transferred Shinra Electric Power Company (housing), Larkhill Biological Weaponry (weapons), Viadoxic Pharmaceuticals (hospitals) and Vincents Valentines (gifts) to the new organization, the Shinra Electric Power Company.
This organization, and all of its assets I am placing into the capable hands of Banach and the Canadian Government, so that they may maintain production until a new owner for each organization can be found.
I will make myself available to certain users such as Cottus Arci as an online resource for the Wikipedia articles regarding eCanada, but that is as far as I will go.
To all those who have served under me, served above me, and served with me, I say thank you for all the blood, sweat and tears.
I wish to extend my special thanks and appreciation to the following members:
Cottus Arci - For everything
Banach - for months of faithful service, advice, and friendship
Tony Stark - for always having my back
Clown Prince of Chaos -for always keeping me honest, and entertained.
Derick Braham - for teaching me the ways of the game
Garp Bensenhaver - for inviting me to this game in the first place
Alucard Bloodlust - for months of faithful service.
Vincent Valentine - For the advice and support
John Wilkmot - For giving me the opportunity to start the Norsefire Revolution in the first place
Det John Kimble - my partisan attack dog and minister.
and all of eCanada for supporting me.
Now, and for the last time... England Prevails!
Adam Sutler
ex-President of Canada (June-July, July-september)