The Fifth Element

Day 945, 08:35 Published in Republic of Moldova Romania by googoodoll

Coloana sonora:

Un film de acum treisprezece ani, un film usurel ar spune multi, cu povestea insirata pe firul unei vechi sperante a umanitatii, anume ca dragostea poate invinge raul, fie el absolut sau intamplator.
Un film savuros, in care actori de marca se distreaza de minune creand povestea, creat de Besson ,al carui motto este:" Arta cinematografica nu a salvat viata nimanui, nu este un medicament salvator de vieti. E doar o aspirina.”

Nu voi povesti nimic din film, nu cred ca este cineva care sa nu-l fi vazut macar o data.
L-am ales datorita replicilor hazoase, bineinteles, si fiindca unele din ele se grefeaza perfect peste tensiunile actuale din eMoldova.
Una din preocuparile majore de azi e Vedoiul si toata zapaceala ce o va aduce sau deja a adus-o, ingrijorarile legate de costul viitoarelor lupte fiind perfect justificat. Dar eu cred ca toti vom reusi sa ne alegem cu arma perfecta cu care sa killarim virtual inamicii:

Zorg: Voila! The ZF-1.
[the weapon opens, and Zorg picks it up]
Zorg: It's light. Handle's adjustable for easy carrying, good for righties and lefties. Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by x-ray, ideal for quick, discreet interventions. A word on firepower. Titanium recharger, three thousand round clip with bursts of three to three hundred, and with the Replay button - another Zorg invention - it's even easier.

Dar asta nu e nimic, pe langa luptele intestine care sfasie tara de o buna bucata de vreme si care pe mine ma lasa interzisa de virulenta atacurilor, de-mi vine sa plec in Singapore,dar pe de alta parte, nu am venit aici ca sa fug si cand am ales sa cer cetatenia, am facut-o stiind ca aici vreau sa raman.
Dar totusi unii pleaca:

DJ Ruby Rhod: What's wrong with you? What you screamin' for? Every 5 minutes there's somethin', a bomb or somethin'. I'm leavin'. bzzzz.

In fiecare zi deschid lista de abonamente cu gandul : - Oare ce-a mai explodat azi?

Mr. Kim: You got a message.
Korben Dallas: Yeah
Mr. Kim: You're not gonna open it? It might be important.
Korben Dallas: Yeah, like the last two I got were important. The first one was from my wife, telling me she was leaving. The second was from my lawyer, telling me he was leaving... with my wife.
Mr. Kim: Ah, that's bad luck. Grandfather say it not rain everyday. This is good news, guaranteed. I bet your lunch.
Korben Dallas: Okay, you're on.
Mr. Kim: Come on...
Mr. Kim: You are fired. Oh.
Korben Dallas: Well, at least I won lunch.
Mr. Kim: Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like.

Fiecare are ceva de reprosat altuia, de parca Aghiuta si-a gasit salasul aici pe plaiurile noastre. Eu stiu ca e tara de poveste, si voi stiti asta, poate mult mai bine decat mine si vedeti bine din comentarii cati jinduiesc sa vina si ei,mai lasati-le naibii de sageti otravite, ca viata e prea scurta sa o petreci urand ceva sau pe cineva.

Korben's Mother: You miserable bastard! I never should've pushed you out.
Korben Dallas: Ma?
Korben's Mother: Oh, so you don't know you won a trip to Fhloston Paradise for two for 10 days? And I suppose you'll I was in labor for days, and this is how you repay me? I should've just gotten a robot.
Korben Dallas: Come on, Ma.
Korben's Mother: Don't "come on, Ma" me. I should be there, not you! I need a tan! I need a cocktail!

Categorisiri peste categorisiri, bazate pe principii de genul: Capra aluia e mai grasa, ori migrena mea e mai acuta, ori iarba de acasa e mai verde.
Toata lumea vrea scaunul din fata,iar miseii oponenti ar face bine sa dispara de pe fata pamantului, ca nu merita sa respire acelasi aer.

President Lindberg: Mrs. Dallas, this is the President. On behalf of the federation, I would like to thank you...
Korben's Mother: Oh, please. That doesn't even sound like him! The President's an idiot, you don't sound like an idiot. If you don't wanna talk to your mother, just avoid me like usual, huh? I'll just throw myself in traffic. I'll just wrap myself to the bed and pretend my child is suffocating me...

Probabil ca nu putem iesi din propriile limite, si e firesc sa nu reusim intotdeauna sa nu aducem frustrarile reale in joc, dar putem incerca. Prietenii mei imi spun ca acesta e mult mai mult decat un joc, si sincera sa fiu, pentru mine este, desi din alte motive decat ale lor. Pana la urma jucam acelasi joc in moduri tare diferite. Continutul generat e imens, si oricum l-am percepe ne influenteaza intr-o masura .

Leeloo: Everything you create, you use to destroy.
Korben Dallas: Yeah, we call it human nature.

Ma intreb unde sunt cele patru pietre magice care sa vindece eMoldova de ura?

Korben Dallas: Leeloo... how do we open these stones?
Leeloo: Wind blows... Fire Burns... Water Falls...

Nu am pus aka-urile obisnuite, desi unele se potrivesc manusa 😃, va las pe voi sa le atribuiti.
