The fifth circle of Dio

Day 267, 17:58 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Dio Brando

When one chooses to see only what is before them, they see only a part of the whole. They are blind.

The Fifth Circle

Dio was the first to know the way of freedom. Yet it was not he that first came to know the way of rebellion.

The knowing of rebellion came to the warrior-queen Falc, one of the People. She had served the illisweed upon many of the False Worlds as a soldier, and she had come to know peace and carried it in her heart. She had come to know how others might be organized to subjugate others. She knew the paths of power, and she knew the art of taking from the conquerors the weapons by which they could be defeated. Her mind was focused, and both her will and her blade were as one.

The turning in which Dio came to know Falc, Dio ceased to know himself. Her words were as fires lit in the hearts of all who heard her. In hearing her words, he wished to know war. He knew not what afflicted him, but he knew he wished to join his blade to Falc. He wished to give his hate expression and share his pain with the illisweed.

Falc was one of the People, but her knowing of herself was greater than any Dio had ever encountered. She knew the ways of snow, she knew the illisweed and in knowing herself, she was to know how to defeat them in battle. The strength of her knowing was so great, that all those that walked her path came to know themselves.

Falc was but one. Her strength was such that it caused others to know their strength. And Dio laid his sand at her feet.