The fall of Fortress India

Day 2,982, 14:39 Published in Japan Serbia by Stargazer89

They have finally managed to defeat us. We,the Anasazi,are great warriors. We have conquered many worlds. We've seen so much death. We were Gods!

Unbelievably,but humans have finally defeated us. Their attack was terrifying.
I,Wolf's claw,the Commander of the invasion forces,gave the order to defend the only remaining base,on the peninsula of India. We thought that the humans will never reach us there. Oh,how we were wrong!
I authorized the use of all destructive means. Every soldier got energy shield and energy bow. Humans were falling,killed in great numbers. That didn't stop them...
They charged harder and harder,they were sending new and larger waves of warriors. And,finally,they have broken through our last defence.
Never have I seen such warriors. They were falling,rising,charging!
At one moment I found myself on the outer rim of our defence,surrounded with my personal guard. Human warriors got so close,that I could see their faces. Cold,merciless. Their eyes were burning with the light of a thousands stars. It was then that I felt it. Shivers through my hole body. It struck me like an arrow,and I understood. Wakan Tanka himself is in these humans. Yes,He is the one who gives them strength. Because of Him they don't feel any fear. Because of Him they rejoyce death,ours or their own. I gave the order to fall back.
India has fallen!

Few Earth days after our last stand I've been interrogating a warrior,whom we were able to capture. We stood on the command bridge of my ship "Paha Sapa",on low Earth's orbit.

Proudly,and with absence of fear,he told me that he belongs to the people called Serbs. That they were the ones leading the attack,and that we've encountered their elite forces. I demanded to hear the name of these units. The warrior set his eyes on me,and with outmost respect said these words - Pillar of Saint Stefan! He said that its founder is Stefan Uros IV Dusan Silni - Dusan the Mighty - and that the Empire of Serbia will be restored. And that we,Anasazi,are doomed...
After that he asked to be executed,so he could share the fate of his fallen brothers. While I was looking at the lifeless body,I was crying. This warrior knew what is honor. I felt connected to him. It seems that these warriors of Pillar are worthy opponents. A thought occured in my mind...
I would like to meet Dusan the Mighty!