The eUSA's Future in ATLANTIS

Day 545, 11:02 Published in USA USA by gbpacker

Recently, scrabman wrote an article addressing our country's stance on the Sweden-Germany deal. Basically, he said we would remain allied with Sweden because they are more important to our success on the world stage. Many might talk about how we shouldn't do this because we are wronging Germany. WHO CARES?! This isn't the RW and, as such, we shouldn't care about being mean! The only thing we should care about is crushing the rest of the eWorld beneath our Red, White, and Blue feet! Sweden is stronger than Germany and more important to our success so we should support them.We should do anything in our power, short of hacking the game, to ensure the USA's success.

Scrabman also wrote about the State Department considering a post-ATLANTIS existence. This is a good thing. With Romania "going turtle", as scrabman put it, the alliance becomes much weaker. Supporting countries that aren't as strong as us will weaken us. As I said before: This isn't the RW and we shouldn't care whether people like us unless it will weaken us. Our ultimate goal should be this: WE, THE eUSA WANT TO BE THE UNARGUABLY STRONGEST COUNTRY IN THE NEW WORLD! Nothing should stand in the way of that unless it be the rights of our own citizens.