The eUK and war; the sins of your fathers.

Day 731, 10:49 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis
And I want to conquer the world,
Give all the idiots a brand new religion,
Put an end to poverty, uncleanliness and toil,
Promote equality in all my decisions

I want to conquer the world – Ban Religion

This article is based around recent events, with regards to military theft and ransom demands.

As you’re probably aware by now, widdows9000, Special Forces commanding officer stole government property worth around one thousand gold. The reason? He wanted Mr Woldy, the current UK Prime Minister to attack the USA.

But why?
Over the past several weeks and months, the eUK has stagnated, and even shrunk in military terms at least. During Hassan’s terms in charge, the Special forces, for instance, would do about 4-5x as much damage as they do on a regular day now. The UK, and it’s seeming refusal to commit to war has driven many long term, high strength players to boredom, and 2 clicking at best.

The eUK is once more a pissing contest for the political parties to get one up over each other, while never achieving anything worth achieving. Heck. Anything at all. You will never know the feeling of a real war, to organise hundreds of people and to actually make a difference in the game. For this I pity you all.

The country is ruled by people with stomachs weaker than the vampire from Twilight’s heterosexual streak. The UK has had enough of sitting around doing nothing; do you remember French Toast, ladies and gentlemen?

For the people out there who do not remember French toast, allow me to educate you.

Many, many months ago, the UK, along with the then allies of Canada and the USA, attacked France, in an effort to cripple and/or destroy the nation. The idea, spearheaded by Canada, was poorly planned in the extreme, and had no real effect of loss on the French, whom repelled the invaders with their MPPs.

Out of all the nations involved, the eUK lost by far the most. After the war, the country was broke. Gifting schemes were stopped, as was almost all government spending for an extended period of time. Those who were around at the time, and are of the cautious nature still remember this as a dark dark period of the history of the UK. They shudder when war is even mentioned in passing, and worry about every decision. During the largest war this game has seen, they were more worried about spending reports and their ‘right’ to information (which doesn’t exist). No, war fills the people in charge with a sense of fear.

But was French Toast that bad?
No. The UK had a noticeable player retention period which is visible even until this day. Many players cite this as the main reason they continued to play. Many other countries have experienced this phenomenon; not all, but there is a fair number who have.

Put simply, the eUK has literally nothing to lose. The country is rotten to the core. Politics and petty infighting are the order of the day. Heck, the UK forum thread on the issue? Party politics everywhere. Even your esteemed leader is too busy partaking in them than even considering fixing the issue. There have even been people so annoyed at fair handed moderation, that they’ve taken it upon themselves to threaten to leave in a tantrum.

There have even been messages of support from countries you are allied too. Why the hell aren’t you acting on your needs? Why do you feel the need to not attack.

Oh, that is right. The ruling elite would prefer to keep the status quo; their ineptitude when it comes to war, and any aspect of the game that isn’t making the population stupider, fills them with fear at that which they do not know. Is this what you want? Let Woldy know what you want. Click the link, click send. Tell him you want the war.

But hey. Enjoy the comforting lies that are used to placate you. Don’t challenge the government, or they’ll take your name.

Introduce a little anarchy. Press the button. Maine is nice this time of year I hear.
