The eRepublik-wide campaign to honour Shane 'Sam Cougar' Miller

Day 1,738, 05:17 Published in Australia Australia by Lord TJ

Shane 'Sam Cougar' Miller

We Will Remember Him.

Like Don KronoX, a great figure in eRepublik society, Shane Miller (aka Sam Cougar) passed away IRL whilst an active citizen in-game. 'The Don', after a great campaign effort by many citizens around the New World, was honoured with eRepublik's greatest civilian title - Elite Citizen.


This award has since taken on two distinct terms of recognition. The first, as defined by the game, for those few, pro citizens who have successfully levelled triple digits (Level 100). In special cases as per Don's, the pursuit of many reaped the ultimate recognition. A few of the eAustralian community have spoken already and we believe Shane's case warrants consideration.


'Sam Cougar' was a former High Commander of the KnightHawks military unit, multiple org commune general manager and self-sufficient supplier for his unit.


At the time of his RL death, he had amassed the following awards:

133 Battle Hero *
16 Campaign Hero *
1 Resistance Hero
12 True Patriot
1 Mercenary

50 Super Soldier
14 Hard Worker
3 Congress elections

* While these are major numbers as they stand, readers are reminded the bulk of these were achieved under older game mechanics where, arguably, they were harder to reach than now. In fair comment, those numbers would be greater in value if achieved under today's mechanics.


Strength: 12,640.45
True Patriot: 91,320,317 damage for
Campaign: 10,701,880 damage for (Achieved while trying to conquer Otago from New Zealand on day 1,683)

He used a Rocket for Australia in the battle against New Zealand on day 1,659.

He passed away having reached Experience Level 37 with 61,488 experience points.


Given Sam/Shane's service to eAustralia, her allies and the New World, having raised much of our population (not to mention business for the game owners), it's the opinion of a few of us that Shane deserves to be submitted for recognition as an Elite Citizen.

If you want to join the campaign, send in a ticket like this one[/b].

1. Go here

2. Select department 'Game Support' > Other Subject > "Making Elite Citizen"

3. Type out a message of support. Something like:

Regarding citizen 'Sam Cougar':
I support this campaign:

Thank you to his sister, Jan, and the many others who commented and voted my original tribute article for Shane. I can only wish for similar support in this endeavour.


** Please vote, subscribe and pass the link of this article around to get support the New World over! **