The Erep Business Guide: Part One

Day 1,131, 14:03 Published in USA USA by John Doll

Owning a business in eRepublik is the mark of a truly seasoned citizen. It takes a brain as well as courage to step out into the shark-infested ocean that is the free market. However, I have a few tips that can help you avoid the sharks; you may still get eaten by real sharks but figurative ones won’t be able to get you, but I digress. This guide will be divided up into three parts.

1. The basics non-raw material company
2. The basics raw material company
3. Starting a company vs. buying one.

I hope you like it 🙂

The Basics

There is one major thing that you have to when you decide to own a business, read the wiki. I can’t stress how important this is. The wiki provides the groundwork, from what types of companies are available to the formula for productivity. That being said, the formula for productivity is perhaps the most important part of owning a company; it is the cornerstone of deciding how much money you’re going to make.
Another important step in deciding how much money you will make is research within the game. If you’re going to own a non-raw materials company, check how much the raw materials for those items cost. You can then insert it into the money-making formula.

Here’s a handy formula for deciding how much each worker is worth for non-raw material companies:

A = Cost of one item on the market.
B = End result of productivity formula found on the wiki.
C = RM cost per item.
D = How many RMs are used to make one item.

Now, if you subtract this number from the wage you pay each worker for a day’s work, you’ll find out your net profit/loss on one person’s work for one day and can adjust the money you’re spending accordingly.

Anything I have forgotten will be in the next installment, post a comment if you have any questions.

Have a nice Christmas,

John Doll