The Era of Hope

Day 488, 15:16 Published in Philippines Philippines by F.O.R.C.E

Greetings citizens of the Philippines.

You wake up today to the start of a new era. One free from the insecurities of your past, the uncertainties that lay around each day and the corruption that attempted to drown your spirit. I am here to tell you what is to come. Freedom, Protection and most importantly a chance at a fair eLife.

But first of all, why should you trust us? We are experienced players from the world of eRepublik and when others were self absorbed in war and politics, we heard a silent plea from a country that wasn't even given a chance. That was when this idea started coming into being. We will, in the spirit of teamwork, give you that chance!

So we discussed the possibilities of what could be done and the vote was unanimous. We would help the Philippines. Yes this may all seem new to you. Yes you may not trust us. Yes you could even suspect us. So let us prove to you that we will do this.

Now we're aware of your plight and several of us have donated large amounts of money to your cause, money for your new lives, for defenses, hospitals, companies. All this will benefit you immensely.

One thing that many people overlook is that eRepublik is an online social strategy game. That is why we have created a Philippines forum to allow you to play eRepublik to the full. Yes, we will be on there too, to guide you, help you and just chat to you like fellow human beings. (

Now you may be wondering what we get out of this venture. Why would we put our own money to this cause for an almost overlooked country? The answer is simple. Experience, morality and fun.
We will gain experience from this that will be vital to our lives in future and should enrich our eLives. Morality because we see what is happening to the Philippines and we know that it is wrong, therefore we aim to make your lives better. Most of all we want this to be fun, not only for us but for you as well. After all what is eRepublik if not a game? What are games if not to provide fun? Let us go forth into this new era and have the best time of our lives.

So as the congress elections approach I want you to imagine this idea, imagine the possibilities it could hold for the Philippines and realise that you can make it reality, you have a say in how your future is shaped. As a fellow citizen of the eRepublik I urge you to put aside your feelings of distrust, to have a little faith in the future of your country and to help us help you.

Thank You.
The Filipino Progressive Movement (FPM).