The Epic Story of eMacedonia part 1 [VOIX]

Day 1,478, 10:50 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Voix of Macedonia
Dear Readers: The article that you are about to read contains some fiction parts and some real parts, the actors that are inside this story are eReal people. This article is not made to insult anybody. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Also I need to mention that this story is related to the article name😛 "The Gods of Macedonia"

♫♫♫ Obligatory music content ♫♫♫

How all began...

Long time ago when the eWorld was new only the Gods were walking the world... Everyone of those gods later had their own people that were their descendants!
It is said that the Macedonians are descendants by one of the oldest gods in the eWorld... ScymeX!
But it was not only him that carried that Macedonian blood inside of him, but also there were his brothers: Aexil Kong and Mudash!
At that begining they didn't had their own country or people, and they were by their own in this world!
After some time others that carried that Macedonian blood and were born by their blood came in this eWorld to represent the Macedonian brotherhood!
This soldiers were fighting for many countries in this world, but still they didn't had a country that they could call...their own!

The abandoning of the Gods...

When the Gods saw that their own people started to fight against them, they decided to leave their descendants to live by their own in this cruel world where they had many enemies from the other countries, BUT also they had many brothers and friends! The Gods decided to leave them for a long time until they see a change in their own people!

Creation of a country...

The Macedonians were waiting for, a long time and for their sake they got their own country that they can call by their name.... Macedonia!
This new country had a couple of their leaders that were there since before this country was created, and they were called Knights! lazarosaMKD was the strongest one! He was their War Hero! After him there were: United Macedonia, Ivan Vancho Makedonski, Drashhh_III_Makedonski, boboo6 and few others that were the strongest Macedonians of that time!
The first Leader of Macedonia was United Macedonia that lead the country to the so called the biggest Baby boom that was created at that time! And when that was the time of making warriors for the future! This leader was Leading the country for two months were it was peaceful period for this new country, where the first and most important facts were to keep the new born babies alive and to start training them so they could defend their country when needed!

The first war...

From the beginning the Macedonians made other friends that they could help each other and fight for each other!
One of their biggest friends Turkey was attacked by their biggest rival and enemy... Greece! After this attack followed the attack by Bulgaria, and then Turkey needed help! Macedonia couldn't watch how their friend is torn apart! They attacked Bulgaria! This was the time when Drashhh_III_Makedonski came to rule this country!
What could a country barely 3 months old do against a country old almost 2 years? But they went into the fire and they burned! Macedonia was gone...BUT Macedonia again had a new fresh blood coming in this world... that was the second bigges baby boom!!!

Strumjanin's era...

The third ruler of this country but later known as the king!
First he made a peace agreement with Bulgaria so he could have their country and the citizens could become stronger so they could be almost strong like their other neighbors that for far much older! His first month of rule was peaceful one and was focused on helping their allies and friends! While his second month was conquering one... with agreement with Montenegro, Macedonia went to conquer Italy...and they did together with Slovenia!

It was a glorious time for Macedonia as they although they were 4 months old they were able to expand their territories and to acquire more resources! Many were leaders, but there was only one KING! Strumjanin! After he managed to do this, he left the throne... Macedonians were looking for replacement...

Post Strumjanin era...

When Strumjanin left, the party that then was having the biggest population in the eWorld suffered the first defeat in the presidential elections, then Makedonija Do Indija came on power! He attacked Bulgaria and that was a second time for Macedonia to have a war with Bulgaria! Bit this time he made something very interesting...

He conquered Sofia and Vidin and held them for 15 days

Then he made his biggest mistake that lead to the mob to become angry... He made a peace with Italy, that later didn't respected the deal and made a realy big pressure on Macedonia! Italy on one side, Bulgaria on other side, people angry... Makedonija Do Indija retreated, and the second by votes come on the throne and that was Makedonec3...

The return of the King...

After he saw what damage was done in his beloved Macedonia, Strumjanin decided to return on the throne, and that was highly accepted by the Macedonians and they were very happy about that! The inside peace had came again, as Strumjanin decided to do something that nobody else even thought about doing... conquering Greece!

The War of the Worlds... And the return of the Gods

When Strumjanin said that we will attack Greece, which was then known as one of the powerhouses in the eWorld with many strong tanks, everybody were astonished... we could not believe that it will come to that... to have a fight with our sworn enemy. They were very old country and we were barely 6 months old. But we gathered the troops and were ready for battle! Just to mention that then we conquered Italy again and were ready to face Greece!
It was the first attack that was counting and Greece had the advantage, they attacked Eastern Macedonia and it was really one great battle, also just because The Gods had returned! Yes they were back, when they saw that their descendants were united! What happen in this battle and the whole war against the Greeks you can read in here: "The Gods of Macedonia"[/i]!
Then we were about to attack and together with our allies and gods we managed to do this:

And Then This:

But those were only the original regions of Greece, that had their own conquered regions in the Middle East, but about that I will continue in the second part of the story!

To be Continued...

In the second part I will talk about:

The deleting of Greece
The Making of the Macedonian Super-unit
The summer crash
Don Tas era
New guys coming on political scene

Hungarian version of the story