The end one road, yet a brighter future

Day 577, 04:09 Published in Australia China by srg91

Gday Australia,

Firstly, I would like to thank all of the wonderful friends I have made during my 2 terms as senator. Honestly, you guys have been there for me when I was a newb and argued with me to allow me to express my views stronger.

I will not be re-running for another term for senate, I think it is time to pass on the baton of responsibility to the next generation of eAustralian and step aside to watch them continue the work we paved out for them.

During my time as senator, I have seen 2 states being returned to eAustralia. I have seen that diplomacy has gotten us further then any military power would have. I honestly do not remember all the senate debates I was apart of, there has been to many, but the one I will remember will be the one during my first term. The crossroad decision that saw me, srg91, a newly inexperienced senator, turn into one leader of eAustralia. If there is anything I am proud of during my first term, it will be the fact that I was there, when the 10-15 of us argued for hours deciding our pathway. The chance to open war against eIndo, or stick to diplomacy.

But all that is in the past, reflecting back, while I can't say I did a perfect job, but I can safely say that I gave it the best I could give.

So what will I do? I will be around here and there, traveling around the eWorld maybe. But I will still come back, eAustralia, has been and always will be my home.
I also have a great interest in business aspect of the game, I can now focus more strongly in business.
Of cause, there will always be e-pub 😁

So yeh, thank you for all your support for me, I will be running as a senator in the furture, but for now, its time for a break, the end of the road has came for me, but a brighter future is there for all eAustralians.

Treasurer srg91

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