The End Of Time [BBC]

Day 694, 02:55 Published in Romania Romania by dsalageanu

I wrote this article with the intention of publishing a few recent comments in various debates. Here is a compiled version of my stance on the Romanian foreign affairs strategy:

First, I think that peace, in the New World, is the silent death. If all that we want is a few digital and anonymous regions, soulless and with just a name tag attached, that we call "eCountry", and all our "eLife" is just a few daily clicks, a few comments and a few frustrated articles: we can safely go to sleep forever. There is nothing left to miss out on. There are no other events for us. This is the End Of Time.

Groups, companies, even matter itself will start decomposing and spreading around the universe, leaving behind just a frozen and dark soup of atoms, which will also slowly, very slowly, start to decay.

A good friend told me that a direct confrontation with Hungary would be "suicidal" and asked me in a comment the following: Quote: "The question really is: how much are you willing to sacrifice for entertainment?" End Quote.

Now, with all due respect:


In here? Everything! You know why?

Because I am not REALLY "dsalageanu" , the former president of an empire. I am just a fat middle-aged consultant with hair on my back who created "dsalageanu" in order TO HAVE FUN.

My personna EXISTS for my (real) entertainment. I play this game because IN HERE, I don't have much to loose. I cannot loose my life, my friends or my community, my "wealth" (currently estimated at around 100 Gold) is worth in real life a dinner and a movie, and most of the other concepts (like "resources", "hospitals", bla) are pretty much worthless in a dead world.

What can we REALLY loose?
Resources? Which ones?
Hospitals? Who gives a shit? Tactically speaking you need only one...
Our country? THAT is really a longshot but OK, EVEN THEN, let's see what we're made of.

We don't KNOW that we cannot do it. We just THINK that we can't do it. There NEVER WAS a direct confrontation between Hungary and Romania on our soil.

We are just loosing in our minds.

We start with the assumption that we are going to loose, which, guess what, is usually a self-fulfilling prophecy. As long as we do that -> yup, we are gonna loose.

But, worse then loosing, is not even trying.
Just the cold and frozen soup of atoms I described at the top of my article. I would rather see the end of eRomania as we know it today, than the End Of Time, or the end of eRomania as it could be, sometime in the future.

Look at the mighty empires of Pakistan, Sweden, Norway, Iran, Italy and others. They have all turned peaceful and quiet, until they were just a handfew of people left. Then, they didn't matter so much no more.

This is the point of no return.
We can still matter. We can still make a difference. We can still exist. All we need to do is be a little PROACTIVE!!!

Stop worrying about what Hungary (or whoever) "should do". It is only relevant what WE should do:

Press the freakin' button!

Well, before that, would be useful to:
- Wipe-out weapons from the market. I know the stocks are big, but I doubt they are big enough
- Prepare recruitment campaign for all military units
- Mobilize population and provide proper instructions. Motivate, motivate, motivate.
- Prepare a shitload of moving tickets and instruct population to prepare the eviction of border regions, just in case...
- Communicate thoroughly with all E/F countries and request troops and resources. Provide proper jobs for all incoming soldier.
- Mobilize Romanian and international tanks and allocate a decent tanking budget. Try to fundraise high-Q weapons for all tanks.

Then -> click -> BANG!