The end of things...

Day 1,940, 04:39 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Send love to Plato

Well I have 48 hours left of my party Presidency before I hand the reigns over, and it has been an absolute pleasure to have worked with you guys. The next few weeks I won't be around much due to a few things in the real world so I didn't want to throw my hat in the ring to run be fair I wouldn't have run anyway as our PP only pushes a few buttons and you guys have showed me you all are more than capable of being great party presidents. This is your party, not mine so make sure you enjoy it and get the most from it!

The Party president elections are on the 15th of March so please remember to vote, also there is still time to candidate yourself and I will be happy to make you a graphic or two if you want. Either way whoever holds the position this month will be leading us into an exciting period...

Obviously we have to gear ourselves up for the Congress elections on March 25th as this will be our second Congress elections and the first where we can approach other parties with a little optimism.

We have 37 members in which we gained 35 from a three week recruitment drive and whoever is PP I will be happy to continue recruiting if you so wish. At this election though it is too soon to contact other parties as they are in a similar boat to us with regards to their Presidential elections, so whoever takes over the reigns shall enjoy the pleasure of contacting all the top 5 with regards to running under their banner. Of course some will have agreements already in place and one maybe hostile towards us but I am 100% confident a party will be happy to run with us.

Obviously if more than one party is showing willing then it will be put to you guys to vote on who's offer we take...that isn't meant as an insult to the other parties an I sincerely apologise it it appears that way. Either way i am confident we will have our first Congressman by March 26th which is something we should be very proud of as well as producing some very original policies and ideas that have set us out from the rest, and if these ideas find a home at other parties as well then be damned proud my lovelies and see it as a compliment.

The Independent Alliance are proud to announce that our brilliant media fund is still well up and running. Not already have a newspaper? Saving your gold for training ground updates? Well even if you don't have any then we will fund anyone within the party so you can buy your own newspaper without using your own valuable resources. The content is completely down to you so do not feel you have to produce party material, there is literally no catch. The content is 100% completely down to you and you alone, and once you have published an article feel free to publicise it in the Alliance news feed and we will help vote it op and re-shout it.

So why wait? Contact Klurr...IT'S FREE!!!

To wrap things up may I remind you that the conference will be held on April 1st at 8pm at our IRC channel #Independence. Please try to make it as we will be electing our party officers amongst other important decisions.

Also party avatars are available for those who wish to display one, this is completely optional. If you do want one then send me a PM with what image you would like in it and I will knock one up for you.

Also our forum section is up and running with ballots on policies we will be adopting. It's moderated by us (we elect our own mods which is another first) and only visible to us so join up and send us a PM and we'll give you access. You can see our section HERE

So join the Independent Alliance today and don't be a lone voice amongst the many, afterall sometimes helping to build something from the foundations is more rewarding than turning up at the end. We pride ourselves on creating a completely open and democratic party where every member is equal, regardless of experience, regardless of rank because the Independent Alliance is a party of the people, for the people, run by the people. Unbiased, unmoving and progressive.

If you are level 29 and below you are entitled to free food from the government, you can apply here NHS APPLICATION by filling out the very simple form. The NHS scheme has no conditions and is open to all new players so please apply as every bit of help is important in your early career of eRepublik.