The Emperor Wears Blue Suede Shoes

Day 431, 18:38 Published in USA Israel by Moishe

To begin this "revision" to my last article I want it to be perfectly clear that I admire the efforts put forth by the Initial development team and those that have joined them in an attempt to make eRepublik into something special in MMORPG's. I know of only a relative few that have had the success enjoyed thus far considering the youthfulness of the New World. That list only includes those of which I am familiar: CyberNations, Lunar Wars, Astro Empires, Trukz, and (more recently) The West and Ikariam. All of these "brave new worlds" have had great successes in those areas in which they specialize.

The biggest kudos which must be given to eRepublik is in its massiveness. It has attempted to incorporate an entire planet into its plans. Such is to be commended and I do not want it thought that I condemn them for their efforts. If anything the only condemnation is ignoring those few (and simple things) that would add value to their product. And while those items have been enumerated before I am going to take the time to enumerate them once again, for the record, to wit:

Political parties and elections:
-The President/executive Board of a Political party should have the option of removing a member from their roles. They should be able to "fire them". The Conservative party does not want Vlad the Liberal espousing socialistic values; The Socialist Party does not want Bubba the Red neck with his right wing agenda; etc.
-Every party that puts forth a candidate for election should be included on the ballot. That includes independents. A person's option should be to "run for congress in xxx" and should not be tied to a Party. Their party membership re elections should be secondary.
-People should be able to maintained as citizens of their nation/region regardless of their current location. If they move to Spain for a visit they should still be able to vote and be counted as a citizen of Wyoming, eUSA. Only if they actually change their "hometown" via their Profile should they be counted as a citizen of another location. Such changes should be limited to once ever seven days, fourteen days, a month or whatever.

-Business managers need information to manage their companies. This is an absolute necessity. They should not have to add server load by opening multiple windows when the information is already on the SQL server. Read it in and present it when they click "Show Employees". That means only one request to the SQL server. When a new window/tab has to be opened for each employee that is multiple SQL requests which means more server load.
-Pay should be a "base pay" and should be accentuated by wellness, skill, results of work (trivia). As an example, I offer 8 USD/day for a skill 3 worker. That is the base pay. Multiply that by wellness/.50 so that wellness above .50 means more money to them. Then multiply that by skill/3. etc.
-Allow notations to be added to the Human Resources such as: "3 Q1 gifts per day", or "rasies every week" and so forth.

I love the trivia! I love the idea that when you attack France you have to answer French trivia. But....
-Let citizens declare their nationality and native language in their profile. Then provide the trivia in that language. We have enough people in eRepublik that are fluent in those languages to be able to provide translations.
-Let work trivia reflect economic or geographical situations. Let training reflect physical, dietary, or weaponry questions. Let war trivia be relevant to war issues.

There is absolutely no reason why multiple messaging is not available unless it is the inability of the developers to create such a thing.
-Employers should be able to send a common message to ALL employees.
-Political party presidents should be able to send a common message to all party members.
-National Presidents (and congress people) should be able to mass message all of their colleagues.
-Citizens should be able to send a single message to all of their friends. Plus they should be able to list at least 10 recipients of a message and then put those 10 recipients in a text box to be sent the included message.

-Include an Official Vice-President which can operate as President in the case of an impeachment of the President is inactive for x number of days.
-Include a seniority system for congress which acts as a chain of succession should both of the above be inactive or get impeached.
-Include "government employees" so that the government can hire Directors, Ministers, Secretaries, Generals, or even an Army.

None of these suggestions are too much to ask. None of them are outside the current framework of eRepublik and all of them will add a new dimension to the New World which will nothing but win.

Addendum: Fix the avatar situation by adding a flag to the SQL that tells if they have added an avatar once or not. Any and all of the problems being faced by eRepublik can be fixed quite easily if the developers will listen to "The People". Our aim is not to muck with your product. It is to make it the very best that it can be.

To the Developers: We want win, not failure. We support your efforts but are hurt, confused, and frustrated by your failure to listen to these simple requests. Do not make it an issue of API developers to do your job for you. This game is still too young and too full of bugs to allow outside programs to access it. Get it right first. Then let the API module come into play.