The eIsraeli Defense Force

Day 750, 08:46 Published in Israel Israel by eIsraeli Defense Force

First allow me to introduce myself. I am Joshua Hoss, General and Commanding Officer of the eIsraeli Defense Force. I started the game in January of 2009 as a citizen of the eUSA. I came to eIsrael in November of this year when I was asked to help restart and restructure the eIsraeli Defense Force. During my short stay here I have met many interesting people. Not all of them have started the game in eIsrael, nor do all of them speak English. This has not stopped me from gaining citizenship in eIsrael, and calling eIsrael my new home. Regardless of where I may have started the game or spent a majority of my time eIsrael is my home now.

Many of you may have been away of the recent concerns regarding the eIsraeli Defense Force this past month. We have heard everything from “they are attempting a coup” to “they just want better communication with the President”. Let me set the facts straight here and now: The eIDF WILL NEVER be an organization used for political gain as long as I run it. I have no political ambitions in eIsrael. I have told the President and his advisors I want no political office, nor would I accept one. My only goal is to defend my country from aggressors and to train the New World’s best armed forces. Under my leadership the eIDF as an organization WILL NOT critique or demand anything from the President other than communication and mutual respect. Individuals within the eIDF may do as they please, but must remember that their individual voices do not reflect that of the eIDF.

The eIsraeli Defense Force Today

I started this article to explain what the eIDF is, its goals, and its structure. Basically the eIDF is eIsrael’s armed forces. We are here to defend it in times of war and to make sure that its domestic policies are carried out when it comes to the military. As I stated above it is not a political organization but rather a grouping of people out to prove they want what is best for eIsrael by working in a group. We are based on real life militaries in that we have a chain of command, give orders, and expect people to follow their orders. Why? Because we want to direct the fighting power of eIsrael in one direction and make sure it is used to 100% of its capacity. If we can get 100 people to fight in one battle we stand a better chance of winning that battle then if each person does as they please.

Our structure is very simple. We have three (3) branches: The Training Corps (TC), The Defense Corps (DC), and the Quartermaster Corps (QMC). Each branch is part of the eIDF but fulfills a different role. For example the Training Corps is responsible for helping newer players learn the basics of fighting/healing/working, the Defense Corps is responsible for the defending eIsrael’s interests (both within eIsrael and in foreign countries), and the Quartermaster Corps is responsible for managing the eIDF funding/companies/supplies.

Both the Training Corps and Defense Corps are structured per the diagram below. Squads are added as needed and contain 10 soldiers (9 Privates and 1 Sergeant). Platoons are added as needed and contain at least one squad and up to four squads. This structure style allows us to expand with ease as we gain new recruits and prevents our officer core from being overworked.

Our ranks are also very simple. The diagram below shows the ranks and roles of each. Currently in the eIDF we have six (6) ranks. They are General, Colonel, Major, Lieutenant, Sergeant, and Private. Each rank has a specific role. For example the General is the Commanding Officer of the eIDF, a Colonel is in charge of one of the branches (corps), a Major helps the Colonel manage the branch, a Lieutenant commands a platoon, and a Sergeant commands a squad. Promotions are widely available in the eIDF as we are a growing force. One thing to keep in mind with the eIDF’s rank structure is that ranks are not related to your eRepublik rank but rather your activity, ability to follow orders, and desire to move up. It makes no difference to us where you live in real life, what your political ideologies are, or who you support in the elections. What we want are active and knowledgeable officers who can get the job done.

Meet the eIsraeli Defense Force

One of the items I am attempting to improve is contact between the general public and the eIDF. I want our officers and soldiers to be reachable by ordinary citizens. Many newer players do not understand the game, nor do they know that the eIDF exists. Getting them into the Training Corps and involved can go a long ways towards the growth of our country.

Because of that I would like to introduce the officers of the eIDF as of today:

General Joshua Hoss, Commanding Officer, eIsraeli Defense Force
Colonel TheSpartan, Executive Officer, eIsraeli Defense Force
Colonel Maelyn, Commanding Officer, Defense Corps
Colonel Brickwall, Commanding Officer, Quartermaster Corps
Colonel StygianSteel, Commanding Officer, Training Corps
Lt. Bloomfield, 1st Platoon Commanding Officer, Defense Corps

Please contact any of these officers if you have any questions regarding the eIDF.

The eIsraeli Defense Force of the Future

As an organized force we are always striving for improvement. One of our goals is to have Military Run companies. These companies will pay lower wages but will have its products go towards providing weapons/supplies to our soldiers. These companies will hopefully be government funded, thus taking money from taxes and putting it back into the hands of the people.

We are also shifting our focus towards posting orders questions, and information on the new “eIsraeli Forum”. If you have not checked out the new forum please do so, as it included the eIDF, Knesset, President’s Office, political discussion, and much more. These forums are a great place to ask questions and to receive help for the game.

Finally we hope to keep the general public more informed by publishing articles using this newspaper and by increasing communication across the language barrier. The divide between Hebrew speaking people and English speaking people makes our country unique, and is something that we all have to deal with on a daily basis. In the future we hope to create a group of soldiers that are willing to translate articles from one language to the other. This will aid our country and keep everyone informed and ready.

Where do I sign up?

To sign up and join the eIsraeli Defense Force simply go to our "Application". I hope to see you all on the battlefield soon!

General Joshua Hoss
Commanding Officer
eIsraeli Defense Force