The Economist Intelligence Unit ~ Sweden Report 18/02/2012

Day 1,551, 08:35 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Spite313

Dear friends.

Welcome to another edition of The Economist, and another report on the Swedish economy. I have a pounding headache, so if there are any mistakes be forgiving. This article is a report on Sweden’s economy commissioned by Valnad, current CP and keeper of the cake in Sweden. He has commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit for the remainder of his term, so there will be weekly reports.

All data mining for this report was completed by Invalidation - Newspaper

To get a report of your own, simply send me a message and we can discuss payment. It costs 10g a week per country to build the report. If you buy four weeks you get a month’s worth of reports (slightly longer than four weeks) for the same price. A low price for the kind of professional analysis that is lacking in erep these days. I’d happily do it all for free, but I have so many demands on my time that it’s unrealistic.

You know the drill by now: Here is the income chart for this week.

Well as the Swedish economy is mostly based on VAT (through selling items) and as everyone had big stockpiles after Plato stopped buying, we saw a big increase in sales and government income worldwide as the bot fought to eat the stockpiled goods and the new production at the same time. That began to die off through the week as the income descended to pre-bot levels. The glitch on the last day is probably just that- a bump through someone dumping a load of stuff below the bot price. Remember that because the bot essentially gives the government 10 SEK per gun, 100 guns = 1000 SEK more income. A few people selling to the bot from abroad (as dSoKre pointed out) can make this figure even bigger. 1000 guns sold through 125% tax = about 90k SEK for the government treasury. If you already have a dirt cheap currency, this could be quite a good tactic for quickly getting more currency.

Average daily income over the week was 209,143.57 SEK. The money market recovered but is still fragile with an average of 1,461.43. That makes average income in gold 143.11 per day.

Both the gold price and SEK income remained fairly stable this week, with an increase on average of about 2g over last week. It should drop next week as the bot stabilises the markets, unless something else happens.

Sweden managed to donate a respectable 500k SEK out of their treasury this week. Still this is small compared to the 1.25m SEK the government made over this period- just 39.85%. Sweden signed 8 MPPs this week, at a cost of 80k SEK- or just under 6% of income. On average the Swedes donated 57g of SEK per day.

Per capita income was 436 SEK per voting citizen per day, up 10 SEK from last week. Over this week the treasury increased by 674,865.42 SEK to 10,626,050.39.

The money markets in Sweden this week have been very fragile. As a small economy they can be buffeted quite easily by a small number of people. As such at many points there was under 100g on the money market, and the bottom price was protected by just a few offers of 1-2g each. One way to solve this issue is to advertise citizenship for people buying Q4s, bringing in extra gold from abroad.

On the 13th there was only 55g on the market altogether, and on the 16th there was only 35.68 on offer for less than 2000 SEK. In this fragile state the market will be very “jumpy”. Thus these figures aren’t really an accurate show of value just of demand. I expect that the price of gold will drop over the next week or so depending on how much foreign gold is coming into the local market.

The markets this week have been equally weird. We’ve seen the bot price stabilised at 0.33, but evidently supply is less than demand in Sweden since at times the price has climbed above that. I guess that’s because many major suppliers left the country during the occupation period for Poland or Serbia.

At one point FRM reached 0.38, five points above the bot buy price. This means that a lot of real people must have actually been using the market. Food raw material companies are a lot rarer than weapons, since food is mostly created for personal use rather than sale. This means that the food and food raw materials markets are often more vulnerable to price peaks and troughs since they are smaller. We can see that too with the price of food.

Weapons prices remained consistent through this week, with the exception of Valentines day when some kind soul dumped a load of cheap Q5 as a present. It was bought up quite quickly though so it’s not so bad. It did mess up my profit graph though 😛

Well here we see the food market for the week. Again, fairly stable up til the last two days. The lack of humans on the food market means that few people bothered to buy Q6 food. It is only sold to the bot usually, but someone bought the two human offers, leaving only a hugely overpriced offer on the market. So essentially this market was “empty”- prices didn’t just suddenly rocket.

Wages continued to rise this week, though not as sharply as before. They are slowly edging up though, and this has cut Q5 owners out of the market. After publishing the wages continued to rise. I expect that they will stabilise somewhere around the 225 mark, since any higher would make Q6 guns beyond the bot price.

Well here is the funeral pyre for Q5 owners. If you have any employees don’t assign them to Q5 companies is all I can say. This graph shows the profit per gun, taking into account bonuses, wages, raw materials costs etc. The big spike on the 14th is due to the aforementioned kind soul dumping cheap Q5s. Unless he made them himself he lost 6.39 SEK per gun.

So, finis! Another week of analysis. This week the big story has been a shortage of WRM, a slowly adjusting income & wage market, and the end of Q5 guns as a profitable employment business.

Over the next week I expect the price of gold to drop or at least stabilise with more gold offers, though this depends on how proactive the Swedish government is. I also expect wages to level and the price of WRM to settle at 0.33.

To anyone living in Sweden, now is a good time to sell gold to buy saltpetres, before the price of gold drops.

Until next week, Vi ses! And take care.
