The Economic Situation As I See It

Day 1,178, 04:53 Published in Australia Australia by wozzup1223

So, for my first article I'm going for a big ol' complain.

First, some statistics.
Today, the Iron price dropped to 0.13 AUD. Now, according to outrageous inflation, and reletively high wages, this is not a sustainable price. price should be aproximatly 0.18 AUD. Now, why has the price dropped so dramatically?

Because, there has been a massive influx of new companies, and people are working in them for free. This means that iron is essentially being made for free (ignoring the price of 10 wellness). Now, as this iron is free, any thing sold is a huge profit.

However, my question to you is, why sell for less than the market price? Why lower your potential profits. There is enough of a market in iron that if people are happy to wait for even a short time, it WILL sell at market price. This means more profit.
In simple terms: Price of 250 iron at 0.13= 32.5AUD. Price of the same amount at realistic market price of 0.18= 45 AUD. That is actually a BIG difference. While the iron is free, this is not maximising profits.

Now, if we have a company full of people who produce 250 iron every work, and pay them 32AUD, the following happens: you gain 12.5AUD per person in your company, or a total of about 1 gold a day. Better than 32.5AUD no?

So essentially, here is what I am getting at. We need to be REASONABLE about prices. You will make more money if you are willing to take the time to run the company properly. DON'T undercut prices. Your resources will sell at market price, and you will make MORE money. This is not an attempt at price regulation. It is an attempt to maximise everyone's profits and help out the economy.

Thanks for reading my article,