The eCanadian Resistance Continues With a Win in PEI

Day 2,187, 00:40 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire

With the return of Newfoundland and now Prince Edward Island eCanada has shown Spain that there is a price for thinking you can hold down our regions without any resistance. While the government "negotiates our continued surrender" with our occupiers, eCanada, along friends from around the globe have once again won back that which is rightfully ours.

This isnt over and there are dark days ahead, a wipe is totally possible and likely but this is a game and reputation is all and we need to show the world that eCanada wont take it lying down any longer.

Spain leaves and hostilities will cease, that is our mission, that is our goal.

While the MDP seems to be in the cross hairs of today's administration it is without a doubt not the only voice for resistance, eCanadians from every party and every Military Unit has shouted enough is enough. It will take all of you that believe the fight is worth the consequences to tell your party leaders that Spain has been here long enough, that eCanada wont pay Spain any longer to have them squat on eCanadian soil, that the only negotiation we want with Spain is for them to leave and hostilities will cease.

eCanada used to have balls, it used to jump to the aid of any ally irregardless of the fallout. Oinyo's administration today will tell you that the 8 month wipe was because the MDP is selfish and wants to ruin eCanada when the 8 month wipe happened because we heard and responded to the call of an ally and backed his play in the UK knowing that bigger members of TWO might respond, they did and we lasted and fought for 8 months until we surrendered.

Time to get in the game and realize if you back something even when its tough going it breeds activity, it breeds passions and emotions. Oinyo and his administration needs to tell Spain that its time to leave, that eCanada is passionate enough to last another 8 months and beyond, that we will do our part along with all the other nations Spain has under its heel to nibble away, to be a distraction and be one huge eCanadian pain in the ass