The eCanadian Malaise: Fighting Back

Day 1,572, 09:07 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

I have pondered long before writing this article as I am going to be brutaly honest and some may not like what I have to say. Why create more disunion when we have so much already? Well first it might help get some of those valuable players who have recently left eCanada back. Secondly because without honesty we can't hope to recognise and deal with the problems we face. Of course what constitutes a problem is always, to some extent, a reflection of ones personal view (only if you're not a Commie is it a problem if you have a Commie Government etc) so naturaly my diagnosis is, to some extent, personal.

The Return of the CP

A. The Identity Blackmail.

Well I suppose we must be grateful for this, although personaly I thought the VP did a great job of keeping us informed. I understand the threats against his rl identity etc have been withdrawn but this person, whoever they may be, should be sought out and dealt with by admins in game, and if indeed rl threats were issued, by the rl Police as this is a legal offence in most countries. I suspect the whole thing was a bluff but can understand why Acacia was disturbed by this and respect his fortitude in returning.

B. The Congress Pardon.

As has been seen this pardon, far from solving a problem has created a new one: An exodus of some of our most respected players; Chucky Norris, Rylde, Roger Griswald and jfstpierre (the best CP we've never had!). Acacia says he wants to see them come home... Let me tell you this Acacia you are COMPLICIT in this betrayal of our community! Remember how it was always said that Addy Lawrence was pals with Rolo? Did Addy ever pardon Rolo? No. We elected Congress so I suppose we must accept their right to vote things and can only blame ourselves but it was pretty obvious alot of people would become disillusioned with a community that refused to protect itself from a possible future theft of their money; because the Governments money is OURS! By NOT applying the veto on this insepid Congress vote the CP himself caused these people to leave... Think they'll come back?

Of Principles

As always Acacia talks a great fight in his podcast. The problem is that he lacks what he respects: In a recent article ('On Matters Of State & The Cabinet') he says: "I observed a conversation last night in IRC that Funky Hum24n was involved in, in which he spoke about the need to nurture and develop players who actually believed in something and did not simply sell out to the highest bidder...What we need to do is build on the concepts that are found in the CPF. A sense of pride of ownership in both your party and your eCountry. During my time in the CPF, I discovered a certain camaraderie that I have never seen recreated in any other party." One would almost wonder why he is not a member of our Party after such high praise... but it is enough for some to do homage to principles and then get on with trying to be CP and of course for this you must belong to a bigger Party. He mistook or distorted what our PP was saying; believing in something is NOT 'camaraderie'. In some cases it is the opposite; I had many fights with TFD.

Now the Pardon matter is also, in my opinion, a matter of principle. I am sure most of you read Ralph Klines recent article 'What is Honor' which is a thinly disguised attack on Rolo. I agree with his sentiments but to do something 'dishonourable' may in many circumstances be legal. Rolo is guilty of theft and stealing, like murder, is by definition immoral and illegal. eUK was 'dishonourable' when they changed sides to alow the first North American invasion; Rolo is a criminal because he stole from the community in which he choses to reside. Perhaps those who follow him do not regard this 'stealing' but he clearly took gold which was owned by the taxpayers without their consent. As a community we have a right to demand this back. He refuses; case closed. It is NOT honour involved here, it is principle. If we were to condone such actions no community or society would ever be possible, we'd all be at each others throats and trust would be non existent. This is NOT a matter of 'hating Rolo'; I'm sure he's a nice enough chap in his own way, it is a matter principle.

I would say that without certain basic accepted principles ANY community is destined to fail; Acacia and Congress failed to understand this and the result has been an exodus of those players to whom a principle matters most and thus the cimmunity is weakened when it comes to responding to further bribes, blackmails and thefts. Some of us though have resolved to dig in and fight for the community we care about; we at the CPF do NOT give up on eCanada to whom our elives are sworn.


As I have said above 'Acacia talks a good fight...' but I see no solutions outlined in his podcast. Indeed as I have indicated he has already partly discredited himself by his implied endorsement of the pardon. So I put forward a few suggestions on how we may resolve these issues myself:

A. A referendum on the 'Pardon Question': Alias's surveys can be used or an alternative method created. ALL exiles will be asked to return to vote and the vote shall be binding for 6 months ie. IF Rolo is NOT pardoned no Congress vote can pardon him for 6 months.

B. A Government of National Unity: All PPs of 'free Parties' (depending on referendum) to form a selection committee and decide who their next CP candidate will be. This is hardly NEW; at the last election it was Acacia or Rolo but perhaps we may get it more organised. This committee will also advise any CP afterwards regarding coordination efforts of future Party PTOs.

C. Fight fire with fire: If someone is being bribed to vote a certain way the State (community) should, if necessary, use OUR money to negate the threat. I hope that this will NOT be necessary but a Minister or some such should be appointed to whom those approached by attempted bribes can apply. It would also be worth asking the admins to look into solving this problem longer term.

I realise that these 'solutions' are NOT completely thought through; they are suggestions for others to work with or discard as they see fit. They are far from ideal but no idealist solution ever works in a practical way (Communisn being an example).

Conclusion: Sara's Crusade

"Bad! Bad! What? Does he not--go back?" Yes! But you misunderstand him when you complain about it. He goes back like every one who is about to make a great spring." Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil. (Forgive his sexist attitute).

Mostly over the last year or so I have spoken out ONLY on Foreign Affairs, war strategy and Party matters. Acacia is correct in saying we have a problem; we do and he has NOT helped it, nor does he seem to have a plan. I can NO LONGER stay out of this internal political debate that essentialy about the very soul of eCanada and our community. I have never stood for CP of eCanada for the simple reason that I am not Canadian. I do NOT believe however that Acacia can bring back the exiles nor that he has a plan nor, to be honest, that he's got principles. I wish him the best of luck and hope he succeeds. I am available as a Minister in a Government of National Unity or for advice anytime and intend to run for CP at the next election.

I suspect I am not like Acacia or the 'exiles' he has create😛 I don't want to be CP but I do stick by my community, be it my Party or my Country. There is a disease in eCanada and I am going to fight it; not because I hate it but because it is RIGHT! We need the exiles home and the malaise treated quickly and and for good. We need national unity and principled leadership, both at home and within Eden (who I note have have impeached the SG!). We also need resource bonus's and to start putting eCanada and the needs of the silent majority first. If anyone else can do this better than myself I will happily defer to them.

eCanada this is your soul. I will, if neccesary, champion the cause.