The Dzsudzsak plan for Balkan peace.

Day 479, 07:46 Published in Canada Canada by Tamas Dzsudzsak

As most of you people know I have an interest in the Balkan area of eRep.
I believe that certain countries there at the moment (eBiH, eCroatia and eSerbia) CAN work as a group and CAN progress in the game as a group.
This can be done with ATLANTIS help!
Yes our great alliance can be used to protect small nations for a change and with ATLANTIS having new people in at the top there is no better time to do it.
The plan is simple
Croatia is already a member state of ATLANTIS, all that needs to be done now is to bring in eSerbia and eBiH as protectorates, like that has recently happened to eGreece and eIsrael, I am unsure of the status of eCroatia in ATLANTIS but to keep the three Countries (eBiH, eSerbia and eCroatia) on a level I suggest that eCroatia be made a protectorate aswell.

Basically I believe these three counties can help each other grow under the protection of ATLANTIS with no worries that another country be it ATLANTIS or PEACE will try and take it over.
If ATLANTIS can do the same with strategically (Translation: it annoys PEACE) countries, why not go the whole hog and actually create something good.

The old, weak ATLANTIS guard, who was always ready to cover up for certain countries, have gone and ATLANTIS have a strong new leadership that I know through 'living' with them can drive ATLANTIS away from the dark times and into a brighter more enlightened future.

ATLANTIS can be a force for eRep good and I know Hassan and Shadow can do this.