The downfall of Macedonia continues, USA on the rise

Day 1,787, 07:06 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

I have predicted future. I have stated USA will head for Swiss, Austrian and Italian regions and won't just stop at destroying Macedonia. I was not heard. It's indicative - well aware of that. To what end is the expression of your thoughts regarded as unwanted, if with every word you state what will happen. Let's look at Slovenia, in this very given moment I can predict we will be deemed as an unwanted ally both by Serbia and Poland and if that is to happen, no one will give one damn about us. As long as we are in nobody's sphere of influence, then it's all good. Once a country decides to get us to their side - may that be CTRL or the future Balkan alliance - we will again be the focus of all attention. But as since that is not needed at the moment - America showing its dominance against Macedonia - we are to fade away from current memory of everyone as a trustworthy country, and ally in general. We are not to shape our future, but await it. Serbia is still unsure what to do, losing a strong ally by the name of Poland is not what they really desire, nor do they desire to be left all alone as was the case with Macedonia. The mentioned thing proved to be a fatal blow to Macedonian hopes in keeping their influence throughout Italy and France. No ally came to her aid.

Slovenia will surely be faced with a hard choice, go for something new or stay with the old allies. The non present diplomacy in the last 6 months has surely brought much uncertainty in us, for what we stand for and for whom we will fight, who we regard as our close allies. Currently you could hardly say we could even say if Poland is our ally or not, but we can definitely say Macedonia is not - as the majority believes so, the elite has made that happen. We rejected an offer of friendship from an old and an important ally. We have made several foolish things, yet some dare to describe Slovenian mandate so far as good.

USA surely does not care if we have interests in Switzerland or not, neither did Macedonia. But who is better to have at your border, an old, valiant ally or a country of which you can only speak negative and mainly deceitful things. I suppose the final pick is obvious? Unless we decide to act folly and go with the neutrality card which brings nor good nor anything bad to us. Although with that we did show a strong lack of decisiveness and fear towards superpowers with our unpresent diplomacy. Fear deriving from north.

No secret deals, just foolishness from Slovenia
Yes, I may not be part of the Slovenian government nor do I express the opinion of Slovenia, but opinion of me and me only. That does not mean certain people do not agree with it. Actually the majority of foreigners would nod to what I have stated here, Macedonians, Serbs, Slovenians would be against it. We have a strong anti-Macedonian stance due to the previous actions committed by Macedonia in Switzerland, a year old plan from Macedonian government to take our Swiss regions so they could get to Austria - things like that are of absolutely of no importance in the modern times! Past must be forgotten. We are destroyer of relations, we deceive often - not intentionally - but with our unpresent stance towards certain things. As to this day no plans have been made whether we want to side with Poland or that is to be Serbia. Neutrality for a country trapped in the middle of Europe bordering superpowers everywhere we look at is just not possible. That explains the importance Slovenians are giving to themselves. We do not deserve it. Honestly speaking. It is being exploited.

I support Macedonia, and will seek to support it. Destroying relations with the Balkan superpower cannot be regarded as a good thing. It can only be regarded as an act of nincompoops. I expect loads of critics from the Slovenian community, couldn't care less.

Rational look
America never had any ties with us, probably certain Americans coming to Italy heard of us for the first time. We will not dare to act against USA. Not because we can't, we have a strong sense of fear towards them. Diplomacy is fearful of what tomorrow will bring. We call our diplomacy as "keeping friendships" open, I call it slipping through the mid of two chairs.

Not to worry though, we are doing exactly what Poland was doing ages ago, due to that it had to go through much criticism. Sitting on its resources, helping only when the interests were present - to some degree still present. A no go, people will remember that. No one will assist you when the time for that would be right. Your fault, the fault of you only. Poland is lucky to have a large player base, and wherever they set their orders to, their presence will be spotted. In case of Slovenia, we are just barely seen fighting anywhere if we fight at all. Lack of diplomacy causes that. It may seem as something not worth wasting time on, to explain what kind of relations you seek to grow with others, but it gives a clear indication to your allies if you will support them or not and what they can expect from you. Supposedly you could say Slovenia has never come up with anything like that? Even our diplomatic article was an act of desperation. Stating friendly thoughts while at the same time talking behind someone's back is simply a no go, however you put it.

The intentions of USA and Macedonia were made clear to everyone. USA will seek to dominate in Italy, not giving much rest to those who will oppose it - doesn't matter if you have good ties with Poland. You will be subjected to diplomatic pressure. Indicating on Slovenia if we are to decide to claim Tuscany. We won't get it, simple as that. We will be called a player of no importance and as such we do not deserve it. You can as well imagine our president being threatened by deterioration of our relations if we are to set our foot on the Italian saltpeter. Again you can predict what will happen, no one looks few steps ahead. It's apparently cool to deny Macedonia an alliance as they have few months ago took Switzerland from us, for which we supposedly had claim on. If you don't express any claim, not even in a government article, how is anyone to take you serious. Oh please, dear Slovenia.

Downfall of Macedonia will stop
The defeat of Albania on its home soil will mark the change. At least I could assume so. That will very much ease things for Macedonians fighting against USA in Italy. If I am to comment your recent thing, forming a new alliance called LEA. A very unwise thing to break up on your own with only 2 nations in it. Not to mention you are continents apart. Focus on those who are in your proximity, first of all improve your stance where you are located, unless you plan on going to Asia itself and assist Indonesia there? There's not much sense in that.

As unwillingly I am to admit this, Poland with the addition of the entire western hemisphere got rid of the Balkan allies in a very "calm way". Things have turned only to better as of recently. That's not due to their sheer power, but due to the divide being created between the former allies in ONE precisely due to skillful Polish diplomacy.

Slovenia - what will happen?
Hard to assume, for whatever we decide, things will turn out bad. So far we have decided to be neutral, but in a horrible way. By destroying friendly relations with Macedonia and turning to cordial with Poland. To be critical to my own country, we have to take things from scratch and begin with doubt towards everything. Hard to say we have any good ties left. Even with the old friend Serbia things have gotten quite cold. They see interest in us not due to the present, but due to the past times. For the glory days that once inspired friendship!

I praise the capable people that have ruled Slovenia in the last few months! With few exceptions. I praise them.

Beware of Americans, they should not be played around with. Macedonians experienced it first handed, their presence in Europe is never a good thing, never!

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly