The Die is Cast

Day 2,006, 11:13 Published in Canada Finland by xLil Ninjax

Cue Scottish Inspirational Music:

As I peer out into the deep misty fog, I see nothing but a shadow of what once was. I look over the battlefield, where many good soldiers have lost their lives for the cause they believed in. A cause many still fight for, the cause I’m willing to fight on for, freedom. This word has become a pale shadow of what it once was. As I look over the map all I see is a darkness, a dark blanket of death and destruction has fallen over the lands of Canada, and try as we might. It may not be lifted.
So what can we do? Nothing? This fight seems so hopeless. No.
If you give up now then what have we fought for?!
We stand united, as we have. Don’t give up hope, for the tide may just be turning, as we speak.

Our decision has been made it cannot be altered and fate will decide the consequences. All Canadians who are able to fight, keep on it, if this is our destiny. We will take it, with all the strength we possess! The fortunes are changing, we will be free. We will have our revenge, in this life or the next! And if it’s not meant to be, if we are never to be free. Then I’d rather be wiped then be Spain’s bitch. Spit in the face of your enemy. I’m not even close to done fighting, I will fight for the rest of my eLife. Just because we are wiped does not mean we have no honour, because we have not given up is what shows we have honour, bravery, perseverance, Integrity. We have shown Spain we are a proud Country and will not stop fighting, till the end. I’m sure you've heard this many times, but a little motivation now and again does help.
Are you with me? Will you keep fighting?!

Remember they can take our lives, but they can never take our freedom!

TL😃R There’s some motivation just in case you’re feeling down.