The Destiny of the United States and EDEN... FORWARD!

Day 770, 21:00 Published in USA USA by Iosephos

Ladies and Gentlemen of these United States, it is at this moment that our forces are once again pushing against the borders of tyranny. Or valiant troops and citizens have finally become strong enough to push back against the aggressors that once threatened the very soil we lived on. I was born after the great battles that took place on American soil, but that does not mean I have not heard of the glory shared by our leaders that took our land back from the savages. They attempted to wipe us off the map, make us their slaves, well my friends the time has come that we show them that America never quits, and that America never dies.

We must throw everything that we have against Phoenix, we must strike at them in their colonies, in their high resource regions and in their heartlands. We must strike them where they will bleed, and we will cook the bird that is Phoenix. They are week compared to the march of freedom, and that is what we offer to those that stand with us. To those that stand against us, we will defeat you and your armies, will lie in tatters. Your once great empires will fall, and your economies will break. We will cause Phoenix to fall just like PEACE did before it.

The glory of the United States and their allies in EDEN will usher in a new world order that will lead to peace and prosperity for all nations. One that cannot be broken by your petty assaults. EDEN will create a peace that will last and will allow everyone to flourish. The glory of your eminent defeat will be shared by all of us in EDEN and we shall laugh at the organization once known as PHOENIX.