The Decoder is dead---It’s about time. Forfeit points – my thoughts.

Day 427, 08:36 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

When I logged into today I noticed the admins changed the trivia module to one that is flash based. This is going to be bad news for so many people who have relied on the decoder—from business owners, to tanks, to the countries fighting in wars. Yet, I think this change will bring some sense of dignity back to eRepublik. Anyone who’s been around eRepublik for a while has used it. We’ve all relied on it to some degree. But without it, maybe the game will change in a more positive direction. I’m sure someone will code something to break the flash module. Give it a few weeks and it’ll change. We all know the admins cannot code. Yet, maybe for a while it’ll bring some integrity back to the game. Business owners will not be able to crank out products as fast as they have. This also might stop tanks from getting so strong—they will no longer rely on getting .04 strength each day from training. Also, this change might stop those who travel around from country to country just to get xp. People will fight less. Maybe this will help lead to fairer battles.

This leads me to the issue of Forfeit points. The admins implemented this feature today in response to, I assume, the Gold scandal. This might make cheaters, multi-accounters, and trolls to think twice before they act. I like the idea of progressive punishment which hopefully will lead to a more peaceful community. Time will tell, though. But I do have hope that these changes will bring back honor to a game I’ve grown to love. I know most of you will whine because of this change, but we all knew it was coming.