The Debate: A Moderator's Standpoint

Day 585, 22:21 Published in USA USA by Woxan

Tonight we had a 2 hour long debate between Harrison Richardson and Ajay Bruno. I was lucky to have the privilege to moderate the debate. We had an hour of healthy debate between the two candidates from the moderator only questions, ranging from issues such as foreign policy to military structure. Following that we had an hour of audience questions, which allowed us to see into the public's eyes.

Being moderator puts you in a special position. You have to be neutral, put aside the feelings you have for each candidate and judge impartially. I felt the difficulty at being impartial at times, especially during our audience portion of the debate. I feel that I did well in being an impartial moderator, although I do admit I showed favouritism occasionally throughout, especially when Emerick the Great appeared. The debate was civil for most of the time, and I thank the candidates for that. I felt that I was able to cap potential fights before they broke out and kept things running smoothly the entire time.

My only regrets were not getting enough viewer questions in the time slot I had allotted and not getting the answer to that elusive rimjob issue.

If America would have me do so, I would love to chair more debates in the future. It was fun and we had a high turnout. 🙂

Log available here: