The Death of True Socialism

Day 540, 14:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean Greene

In his recent manifesto for the PP of the ISRP, current PP Starks Hayter announced himself as a "socialist Party President".

It is my opinion that a "socialist" party president would actually pursue a socialist ideology. I realize that by now my words are worthless in turning aside the inevitability of this election, but ISRP take hee😛 Starks is no socialist.

What socialist would be apologetic for speaking out in favor of socialist ideas, even if they go against the views of the larger party? What socialist leader would draft legislation that would lower the wages of our unskilled workers? Under Starks, the ISRP has become the IUP Jr. Whenever someone speaks out of the fact that we are surrendering our will to the larger party, they are hushed up by not only Severin, the PP of the IUP, but Starks, the PP of the ISRP. Jointly they convince anyone with an original though that the public does not deserve to know about it. They keep it in the smoke-filled back rooms, or maybe they just shove it aside.

Do you need proof? How about Severin declaring "Public outcrys start nothing but heated irrational feuds" and Starks' immediate agreement? Since when does the public not have a voice? Since when is it only the top tier of Irish politicians who get to make decisions? No, no there is no reason for public outcrys, you should all just sit quietly and let the big boys handle things. Don't worry, just trust that they have your best interests in mind.

I ask you ISRP, what will be our campaign slogan for future elections? "Vote ISRP, we'll follow the IUP's orders"? Or perhaps "Vote ISRP, we'll never make a counterargument to an IUP proposal"? Of course we could always go for brevity: "Vote IUP Jr."

The age of the ISRP being the predominant opposition party in Irish politics is over. We're nothing more than a rubber stamp to pass the IUP's centrist and, at time, rightists policies. There is no longer a place in Ireland for true socialists, and we are the more pitiful for that. We socialists made this country what it is today and in reward, we're shoved to the fringes as our "leaders" undue our work under the false pretense that they are the voice of Ireland, not the people.

I hope Theus Jackus wins the PP of the ISRP as I think he is the last hope in reversing the ISRP's progression to the center, but I don't expect it. Our current leadership had duped too many of our party members.

I still respect Starks as an eIrishman and a politician, but we no longer share the same ideals. I realize that I am likely burning bridges here, but I've tried for weeks to stem this tide and thus far my efforts have been in vain. In a last ditch effort to save Irish socialism, I implore ISRP members to vote for Theus Jackus when the time comes.