The Death of Liberty

Day 1,031, 07:35 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

I'm writing this before you see all the articles trying to spin this with their lies and propaganda once again so we can put the truth out there for the whole eWorld to see what has become of this game. Yesterday, our party, the Conservative Party, was taken over by a troll and all around nuisance Claire Littleton. While Richard Nixon II and I do not get along, at least his little faction can claim to be in the party. This was nothing short of a government sanctioned PTO of our party with the full support of the USWP and whoever else sent votes covertly. Her first acts as PTO President are to rename our party to the "Not Ajay Party" and to post an ad telling me to "suck it" and this is what the "leaders" of our nation tell you to support? They never intended for there to be a Republican or a Conservative Party led by ANYONE, regardless of whether they came from my faction or the Nixon/Anderson faction. This proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Any independent views, and anyone who threatens the divinely mandated Top 5 places will NOT be tolerated, period. There is no democracy or freedom in America. There is dirty play and cheap political tactics and it is SHAMEFUL! They should compete in......

This game has been dying for months now, but instead of working together to revive it, bullies like these and their minions only continue to worsen the problem. Even if you are not in the eUS, think of it this way.... how would you feel if people judged you for your real life beliefs and then decided it was relevant to a game? I happen to be a very traditional person whose values are dying off in our ever-changing world, but these same people who preach tolerance and acceptance really only mean it for those who think exactly like them. This was the original reason why I and those aligned with me were targeted. It then evolved into making up stories about "PTO's" whenever I would try to get a fresh start in a new country, so basically whenever someone who is personally disliked by people for having different views tries to seek office, that person and all those who align with them are summarily stripped of any and all basic, universal rights that free peoples recognize. The truth of the matter is folks that those who do not conform and who stand up for what they believe in are always targeted and beat into submission one way or another. We have seen this pattern repeated constantly throughout history, and yes, even eHistory.

The 76 sorry souls who joined our party to vote for a takeover should be ashamed of themselves. This sadly likely reflects on who they are as people. Those who would take from others and get enjoyment out of it have other problems they need to address. For those of you who went along with this and took them at their word, just read some of the comments that will most certainly be posted here or read the tone and mockery of some of their articles compared to what I am writing to you. You have been duped. They might try to say that I approved "Hungarians", and then they try to tell you that because someone is of a particular nationality then they must be banned from entrance because we are on bad terms with their government. A man should be judged on his own merits, NOT on that of a government he may not support. For those of you too young to remember, these forces were targeting myself and my political allies long before we brought in outside help to try and distract them and save our party from takeover. Do not let them make excuses because their excuses do not hold any water what-so-ever. Remember what Ronald Reagan said.... the scariest words in the english language are....

So where do we go from here? I hope more people begin to think for themselves and not accept what they are told as gospel. As evidenced by the last Country Presidential Election and the near doubling of my votes in my Party Election(and yes, they were all American, contrary to what some might say), a lot more people are waking up, unfortunately the country did not wake up fast enough to stop this. People of the eUSA, people of the eWorld.... please heed my words. I am not going anywhere and I will not abandon our nation or my party. I encourage all of you to stay strong. We will be back. I will leave you with these words. Remember them, and endeavour to live by them whenever you can.

Semper Fi My Friends,
Pizza The Hut
Conservative Party President
3-Term Congressman
2nd in line for Presidential Succession.