The Dark Legion!

Day 2,290, 08:10 Published in Albania Albania by Crazy Alboz

The Dark Legion

Disa dite me para, vendosa me u kthyer ne loje, por kesaj rradhe nuk do ti perkushtohem aq shume, kur te kem kohe te lire do te loz.

Pasi qe sqarova kte gje, ky artikull eshte per nje Militar Unit te re, e quajtur "The Dark Legion".
"The Dark Legion" eshte formuar nga "Ceta e Cerciz Topullit" edhe "Cobra Units", pasi disa bisedimave midis nesh, zgjodhem me krijuar nje MU te re, edhe me bashkpunuar per te bere diçka te mire per kombin tone.

Kjo nuk do jet nje Mu e hapur çdokujt, do ket disa kushte qe antaret duhet te plotecojne.

- Demi i shkaktuar me 10 energy

Division 1 : Max Hit > 9000
Division 2 : Max Hit > 21000
Division 3 : Max Hit > 36000
Division 4 : Max Hit > 36000

- Ndihmat Javore

Cdo antar duhet te punesohet tek fabrikat e MU-se edhe do te shperblehet me:

Division 1 : 35 arm Q7 + 350 Food Q5
Division 2 : 45 arm Q7 + 450 Food Q5
Division 3 : 55 arm Q7 + 550 Food Q5
Division 4 : 65 arm Q7 + 650 Food Q5

Ndihmat do shperdahen ne baz te ditave te punes.(prsh: Division 1, 6 dite pune, 30 arm Q7 + 300 food Q5 e kshu me rradh )

- Weekly Leaderboards

Ne Mu-ne do ket edhe shperblim per sa i perket Weekly Leaderboards ne pjesen qe i perket MU-se.

Top Damage Overall : 3 Gold

Top Damage for Division : 1 Gold

Top Opponents Defeated Overall: 20 arm Q7

Top Opponents Defeated for Division: 7 arm Q7

Ndihmat do ti marrin te gjithe pa marre parasysh kush lufton edhe kush jo.
Keshilla e MU-se eshte qe antaret te D1 te mundohen me rrit forcen, kurse te gjithe tjeret te bejn pakten Daily Order çdo dite, qe te fitojn nje energy bar.

Antaret ne MU qe do te fokuzohen per rritjen e forces do te bashkohen ne nje regjiment ku do te behet nje program per ti ndihmuar me rrit Qendrat te Stervitjes (Vetem shqipetaret).

- Avatar
Falenderoj Besfort-in qe me ndihmoj me realizimin te Avatarit. Se shpejti do te krijohet nje Bord.

Daily Order ne MU do jet sipas prioritetet te eShqiperise, edhe hyrja ne MU eshte e hapur per çdo qytetar te eBotes qe pranon rregulat tona.

The Dark Legion

This is a new Militar Unit formed from other two.
"The Dark Legion" is not an open MU, there is several condition to be part of us, like you can read here.

- Max Hit

Division 1 : Max Hit > 9000
Division 2 : Max Hit > 21000
Division 3 : Max Hit > 36000
Division 4 : Max Hit > 36000

- Weekly Supplies

Each member must be employed to MU factories and he will be rewarded with:

Division 1 : 35 Weap Q7 + 350 Food Q5
Division 2 : 45 Weap Q7 + 450 Food Q5
Division 3 : 55 Weap Q7 + 550 Food Q5
Division 4 : 65 Weap Q7 + 650 Food Q5

- Weekly Leaderboards

In this Mu there is also rewards in terms of Weekly Leaderboards just in Militar Unit top.

Top Damage Overall : 3 Gold

Top Damage for Division : 1 Gold

Top Opponents Defeated Overall: 20 Weap Q7

Top Opponents Defeated for Division: 10 Weap Q7

All members who works in our weapons factory will take supplies, no matter who fights and who does not.
Tip of the MU is: D1 soldier increase the strength , while all others must doing the Daily Order every day at least , to acquire an energy bar.

- Avatar

Soon we make an avatar frame.

The Daily Order there is for Albanian Allies and Siurius prio.
Every citizen of the world can entry in the MU, if he accept our rules!

Contact me or Commander of MU to join us.


Commander : Big Cizi
2nd Commander : Crazy Alboz
2nd Commander : premton2
Captain : IMIGRAlboz
Other Members of our Staff : EliTe gV - KleanD

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