The CVP: The Next 5 Days And PTOs

Day 569, 16:21 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Hello everyone

This will be the last real report I give on the party as party president as my 8.167th term as party president will end on the 16th. I still have two articles set to be released this week, one detailing my past and the other detailing my plans for the future. Today the three main things I want to address are the recent decline in numbers, Scrabman's claims of PTOs, and the transition of power ceremony.

As some of you may of noticed we have lost about 20 members this month and 80 since two weeks ago. While this is a large decrease it is also worth nothing that the country as a whole has lost thousands of citizens in the past few days due to admin's spring cleaning. What is really happening is the admins are sifting through all the citizens in the country and deleting the accounts of those who are permabanned and taking the dead citizens out of the statistics. This hasn't happened in a long time so obviously there is a lot of stuff the admins need to clear up. Its not something to get worried about as the loss in members has been uniform across most parties including the USWP and Libs who have lost members in the hundreds, the one exception being the AAP which brings me into my next topic.

Scrabman has recently made accusations that members of PEACE were planning on attempting a PTO of the federalist party. First off the article was filled with bias ranging from Scrabman claiming that the Feds are a group of anarchists and from him calling them a party of "butthole hatting trolls". Second off the article simply lacks common sense. Why would PEACE target a non top 5 party who is not able to put up candidates for congress? The Feds are over 300 members short of reaching the top 5 and so far today they have increased in size by a whopping one member. Now if PEACE did have 300+ members ready to move then they could do much more then just take over a non top 5 party as 300 votes is enough to easily take over the UIP and AAP and possibly even the CVP or Libs. Most recently we have seen a large increase in numbers in the AAP which has been gaining over 15 members a day for the past few days at a time when most parties and a country as a whole is losing citizens. The AAP claims that this is a result of a huge recruitment drive which is believable as the CVP has seen growth spurts like this however given the time of this huge increase there is a reason to be skeptical about a PTO happening in the AAP.

Lastly the CVP will be holding its transition of power ceremony on Monday, June 15th at 9PM CST in our irc room of #cvp3. The CVP has not changed leadership since October 10th of 2008 so this will be something worth attending. Technically Matt won't gain the position until midnight erep time but we can still hold a ceremony for him. If anybody has any questions about how to get in the IRC just send me a pm and I can help you out. Everyone is welcome to attend the ceremony.