The Constitution of the Canadian University of eRepublik Academic Academy

Day 533, 19:37 Published in Canada Canada by Clancy Forrest

The Canadian University of eRepublik Academic Academy is a private non-profit institution. The purpose of the CU is to educate eCanadians and to enrich eCanada through service.

In order to fulfill this objective, the CU will provide classes in the Academic Academy.

The CU Academic Academy will be operated by a governing board including the President, Provost, and Vice Provost. The president will be Dominik and the current President must appoint future Presidents. Duties will include: running the CU forum, appointing the Provost, managing the CU org., collecting fees, paying professors, and student loans, as well as being the public face of CU. The Provost will be appointed by the current President and may be removed by the president. The Provost will hire professors, develop classes, ensure professors follow course guidelines, negotiate fees and salaries, fire professors, deal with problems encountered by professors and students, validate grades, award certificates, and appoint Vice-Provost. The Vice-Provost will be responsible for maintaining student wait lists, answer incoming student questions, and provide information on scholarship sources, create class enrollment list to be verified by board before classes start. Board members will receive no salary. Administrators must follow University Code.

University Code:
I agree to never post material inside the university outside of the classroom without explicit permission from the current head of the University. I accept that punishment for this offense is a loss of Canadian Citizenship as well as banishment from the forums.

Recently Dominik stepped down from his position as President appointing Clancy Forrest. Clancy Forrest in turn passed the Presidency to Halve. Clancy Forrest remains Provost and is searching for a Vice Provost to replace Halve who had been functioning in that position. If you are interested in applying for Vice Provost please post below, thanks!