The Community Awards

Day 1,126, 15:18 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community
The eIreland Community Awards

The votes have all been counted, the banners are ready, and I am pleased to announce the winners of the eIreland Community Awards. Cheers to everyone who took the trouble to send in nominations and votes. I would like to say a big thank you to Luminara, who, once again, made up these truly exceptional banners. Thanks also to johnmcf for providing the Irish translations for added authenticity.

It has been a momentous couple of weeks in eIreland; wave after wave of (mostly Serb) invaders, the fall of London so tantalisingly close, the loss of North Dakota to Penix tanking, eIreland wiped off the map, the Resistance Wars, the rebooting of eIreland’s economic and political systems. Exceptional times brought out exceptional performances from many of our eCitizens, some of them were chosen by you for special recognition.

Most Trusted Politician: John Gormley
Prize: 50iep

Most Acclaimed Publisher: don.squire
Prize: 50iep

Most Celebrated Soldier: Yddub Emwolb
Prize: 5x Q5 Weapons

Best General Manager: Kavrocks
Prize: 50 iep

Newcomer to Watch: Arm 103 (Posthumous)
Prize: 450iep donation to Irish Defence Forces

Loveable Rogue: Mr Ginge
Prize: 1x Q5 Moving Ticket

Irelander of the Month: John Snuggles
Prize: 5 Gold

Honorary Irelander of the Month: exohoritis
Prize: 5 Gold

Lifetime Achievement Awar😛 Nithraldur
Prize: 5 Gold

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James Keiller