The Communist Party of eNetherlands is born

Day 960, 09:35 Published in Netherlands United Kingdom by Jos Alembic

Greetings eWorld!

Today, on the first day of the new new world we would like to present a renewed Workers' Party! We have adopted our constitution after debate beteen the active membershi of the party and to which all party-members were invited for, and we present you the Communist Party of eNetherlands, to be abbreviated as CPNL.

The constitution:

Constitution of the Communist Party of eNetherlands (CPNL)
Adopted on July 7th, 2010 (Day 960 of the New World)

I. Leadership and Governance

1. The party shall be governed by the Party President and the Steering Committee, each with different powers.

2. a. The Party President shall be elected by democratic vote, as determined by the official eRepublik game mechanism.
b. Should the eRep game mechanism result in allowing for a hostile party takeover, the elections shall be considered null and void and the party will be governed exclusively by the Steering Committee, with all presidential powers to be wielded by most senior member of the Committee.
c. Should the duly elected party president resign before the end of his term, he shall be succeeded by the most senior member of the steering committee. The "Party President" according to the game mechanics shall have no official power.
d. The most senior member of the Committee shall be the member with the most continuous experience of serving on the committee.

3. The Steering Committee shall consist of the party whip and directors of each party office: Recruitment, Young Communists, Elections, Interparty Relations, International Relations/L'Internationale and Public Relations.

4. a. The department directors shall be appointed by the Party President and confirmed by a majority vote of members participating in an anonymous forum poll.
b. The party whip shall be appointed by the Party President but does not require confirmation and serves at the Party President's leisure.

II. Powers of the Office of the President

1. The Party President shall wield executive power, with the ability to make decisions that must be made on the spot.
a. Upon making an executive decision -- where an "executive decision" shall be defined as a decision that would normally be under the jurisdiction of another office within the party -- the Party President shall immediately notify the officer with jurisdiction over that issue, by sending a Private Message in eRepublik as well as by posting a message in the Steering Committee forum, briefing him or her in full of the decision made and reasoning behind it.
b. In cases where the officer with regular jurisdiction disagrees with the action taken by the party president, that officer may call for a vote to countermand the decision of the Party President. The decision of the Party President may be countermanded by a 4/7 vote of the steering committee.

2. The Party President shall be responsible for the creation of party offices and organizations. He or she may appoint whomever he or she deems fit to run the aforementioned institutions.
a. All appointees must be confirmed by a simple majority party vote.
b. All appointees begin their service upon announcement of appointment by the party president. Should they fail to be confirmed by party vote, they will be removed from office and the president shall make another appointment.
c. A party office may be abolished by a 4/7 majority vote of the Steering Committee or by a 2/3 majority vote of active party members.

3. The Party President shall have administrative powers on the party forum. He or she shall not have the power to change the administrative status of any other party member with the aforementioned status except with the permission of the Steering Committee.

4. The Party President may only disburse funds from the party treasury to the CPNL Commune or to use for CPNL related advertisements with a 4/7 majority approval by the steering committee.

5. The Party President will be given access to CPNL Commune. The Party President may only change the password when there are changes to the membership of the Steering Committee. The Party President may not change the organization email address or avatar. The Party President may not disburse funds to any entity other than party-owned communes without approval by a simple majority of active members on specific disbursements in a forum poll that is posted for a minimum of 24 hours.

6. The Party President shall have access to the forum of the Steering Committee and summaries, upon request, of all Steering Committee meetings. The Party President shall be informed of the occurrence of all Steering Committee meetings, as well as their time and mode of communication.

7. The Party President shall nominate official party candidates for the offices of eNL Congress based on the results of recommendations or primaries within the Office of Elections. The Party President shall nominate or endorse Presidential candidates based on the results of the party primary.

III. Powers of the Offices of Directors and Steering Committee Members

1. Office Directors must be active members of the Communist Party of eNetherlands.

2. Each Office Director shall have jurisdiction over his or her office, but specific directives or plans may be overridden by a majority vote of the Steering Committee or by order of the Party President.
a. An overriding order of the Party President may be countermanded by a 4/7 majority vote of the Steering Committee within 48 hours.

3. No person shall be the director of more than one office.

4. Each Office Director shall be granted administrative status on the party forums.

5. Each Office Director shall be considered a member of the party Steering Committee.

6. Each Office Director shall provide briefings to the Steering Committee upon initiation of, completion of, or progress in a major issue, project, or undertaking by their office. The Steering Committee shall remain appraised of all communications between Socialist Freedom Party officials and other parties, be they foreign or domestic, as well as communications with governmental officials, companies, and/or media.
a. As the direct posting of the content of messages is not permitted under eRepublik rules, Office Directors shall provide summaries of messages sent and received, upon request.
b. Office Directors shall notify the Steering Committee of official communications so that summaries may be requested and provided.
c. Briefings and communications summaries may be provided over IRC, Instant Message, forum Private Messages, eRepublik Private Messages or in the Steering Committee forum.

7. Each Office Director shall have access to the CPNL Commune account. The Party President must provide each member of the steering committee with the current password for that account. Steering committee members may not change the avatar or email address for the CPNL Commune. Steering Committee members may not use funds or items from the CPNL Commune account without approval of 4/7 majority of the steering committee unless otherwise specified in their individual office !!.

IV. Party Offices

The following offices and positions described below are part of the Communist Party of eNetherlands:

1 The Office of Recruitment headed by the Director of Recruitment
a.The Office of Recruitment is charged with recruiting citizens of eNetherlands who are level 7 or higher to join the CPNL and to encourage members of the CPNL to become active party members on the forums and in the party IRC channel.
b.The Director of Recruitment may use any and all items in the CPNL Commune inventory for use in recruitment but must post a receipt in the steering committee forum that explains how the items were used.

2. The Office of Young Communists headed by the Director of the CPNL Young Communists
a. The Office of Young Communists is charged with recruiting citizens of eNetherlands who are level 6 or lower to join the CPNL Young Communists and encourage members of the Young Communists to become active party members. The Office of Young Communists will also administer programs that will help younger citizens of the party to get along in the New World such as gift exchanges, supplying food and maintaining training materials.
b.The Director of Young Communists may use any and all items in the CPNL Commune inventory for use in recruitment but must post a receipt in the steering committee forum that explains how the items were used.

3. The Office of Elections headed by the Director of Elections
a. The Office of Elections is charged with assisting candidates from the CPNL with securing positions on top-five party ballots for Congressional elections, campaigning and organizing party members to vote in elections for CPNL endorsed candidates.
b. The Director of Elections is responsible for ensuring that the CPNL hold a primary to select a candidate for nomination or endorsement to be conlcluded no later than 48 hours before the general election.

4. The Office of Interparty Relations headed by the Director of Interparty Relations
a. The Office of Interparty Relations is charged with developing relationships between the CPNL and other political parties in eNetherlands for the purpose of joint political actions and monitoring the activities of unfriendly eDutch political parties.
b. The Director of Interparty Relations will be responsible for representing the CPNL on any multi-partisan councils if the Party President decides to designate an alternative.

5. The Office of International Affairs headed by the Director of International Affairs
a. The Office of International Affairs is charged with representing the CPNL to foreign parties, governments and organizations, bringing issues from those bodies back to the CPNL for discussion and promoting the CPNL agenda abroad.
b. The Director of International Affairs shall be responsible for staffing delegations to various international party organizations to which the CPNL belongs.

6. The Office of the Public Relations headed by the Director of Public Relations.
a. The Office of the Communist Press is charged with editing and publishing articles in the official party newspaper that highlight party activities, announcements, the plight of the working class in the eNetherlands and international news stories that are important to eDutch workers.
b. The Office of the Communist Press will also assist the Office of Recruitment and The Office of the Young Communists to publish effective recruitment materials.

7. The SFP Whip
a. The Whip shall be responsible for maintaining intraparty projects that do not fall under the scope of other offices, such as maintaining the party platform, constitution and wikipedia page as well as assisting Office Directors with their responsibilities and taking on any other projects that the Party President designates.

V. Ratification and Amendment

1. This constitution requires ratification by 2/3 majority of active members and may be amended by the same.
2. The addition of offices to the steering committee results in an amendment to the party offices section of the constitution, the wording of which must be approved by a simple majority of the steering committee.

So much for the constitution, I hope you like it!

Partial activation:
This constitution was built with an eye on the futureand is therefore scalable as the CPNL grows. For now however we decided that the Steering Committee has not 7, but 3 members:

- The Director of Recruitment (which shares the office of Young Communists)
- The Director of Elections
- The Director of Interparty Relations

As the community grows, we will seek to expand to the full 7 membership of the Steering Committee.

Party communications:
The party will know two main avenues of communication, besides the ingame message system:

- The first is the forum, which is located on, the main forum of all member-parties of the Internationale, the largest leftwing movement which is already represented in over 20 countries across the eWorld! The private forums for the CpNL here are extensive and all CPNL members are invited to have a look and become active on it!

The old offsite forum is offline and we only maintain the public forum on the eUNL boards as a liaison to the eUNL community.

- The IRC chat, which is located on #cpnl on or, if you don't have an irc chat client, you may use the Mibbit service and directly join the chat by clicking here.

Join us today!

The CPNL has now set a major step forward towards maturity. With our membership of the Internationale we are part of a growing community which is building up its expertise and activity. The Dutch CPNL is reflecting this growth and you can be part of the process, if you're interested in doing so, join us today!