The Colonel - An Interview With roadrunnerspeed

Day 916, 16:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Andy Millward
It is a warm night in the eUK. As I sit in the familiar surroundings of the Spectrum HQ Lobby preparing my notes for the interview I'm about to conduct, the door to the PP's office opens and the figure of roadrunnerspeed walks out, carrying a pile of recruitment letters. 'I'm ready to begin whenever you are', I say. The PP responds by inviting me into his office.

'Thanks for allowing me to interview you roadrunnerspeed, let's start with the pleasantries. How are you this fine evening?'

There is a long pause as RRS gets me a seat and clears his desk - it's obvious he likes to maintain an efficient working environment.

RRS: 'I'm good thank you Andy, and yourself?'
AM: 'I'm very well, thank you. Now let's get down to business.'

You're one third into your term as Spectrum Party President- How are you finding the job?

RRS: 'The role was bigger than I first thought and it has been hard work so far, however I think it's starting to pay off.'
AM: 'Glad to hear it- I take it from that you're confident about the Congress elections tomorrow?'
RRS: 'Well I have some big shoes to fill and this will be the first congressional election for Spectrum so it's going to be some sort of indicator for how the party is doing. So far I have some great support from the party and a lot of people want to help out, mobile voting etc and I'm pretty confident that we will do well'.
AM: Can I get a number?
RRS: 'I'd hope to get about 5-6 elected, however only time will tell.'

Some high-profile members of the Left are saying Spectrum is drifting towards the Right Wing, citing your election to Party President as proof. What is your response to them?

RRS:' I think GrendelGrendel made a valid point in response to this. With a large number of Left players leaving it was bound to cause a swing to the right. However I also think it's important to note that I don't enforce right views on the party and would much rather take a poll to get the parties opinion on something important'.
There is a slight pause before the man across the table adds:
' Spectrum has and always will be a center party and I will do what I can to ensure that we accept those from all over the political spectrum'

Now for some current events- what's your opinion on the new eUK Court System?

RRS: ' I like it. I think it adds another dimension to the game and I do often find myself spending time there reading some of the cases. I also like how this will provide a way to have fairer justice'

As I look through my notes, I come across a rather heated discussion that occurred at the Case Filing Desk in the Court Lobby earlier in the day.

Spectrumite temujin94 was today accused of granting citizenship without following the proper procedures; what's your stance on these events?

The PP looks at me intently, before looking through some notes from a recent Spectrum Party meeting.

RRS: 'I believe that he did not follow the guidelines and should be punished accordingly, however I also feel the way that it has been dealt with is a bad reflection on the eUK. The person he accepted has been treated as if he was a convict and I feel this is an injustice. I will do what I can to defend him from the harshness that is being thrown his way. I just hope one day the eUK will be a nice place for people to come and enjoy erepublik as a game.'

It becomes obvious to me this man is dedicated to his views as well as his work. I recall a conversation I had with another Spectrum member, in which we were discussing the new PP.

A contact of mine told me you've been working incredibly hard recently; what exactly do you have in store for Spectrum in the near future?

RRS: 'Well my main aim is to get more people on the forums and increase the number of members. This won't be easy and I hope for a large media campaign soon. I also think that the presidential elections will hold something good for Spectrum, but we will have to wait and see.'

Excellent, that's the serious stuff over with. Now some quick fire questions.

He grins, before telling me 'Shoot'.

Boblo or Dio?

Woldy or JvB?
'JvB anyday'

I look up from my notes and, with a slight smile, prepare to ask him the most important question of the interview.

Gaga or No Gaga?
'Gaga of course'.

This interview has been a pleasure. Thanks again, and is there anything else you'd like to say?
RRS: 'Thank you for having me and it's been a pleasure talking to you'.

Little Monster Forever, Andy Millward