The Collapse of Entente, The Fall of the Free eWorld, and The Rise of EDEN

Day 952, 11:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lee David Wood

It all seems to be s**ts and giggles at the moment concerning international discussion...

I am of course referring to the current crisis over eItaly and their deal with the eSpanish for control of eMexican territory. We all know that the eItalians went into agreement with the eSpanish over gaining territory in (according to the eItalian government) what was a politically taken-over country.

So what do we know so far concerning the crisis, well we know fore well that the eItalian government didn’t go into this discussion lightly, with nearly all but a few in their government voting in favour of the agreement with eSpain. What did eSpain entice them with?
A high oil region somewhere in the former territories of eMexico (although it is unsure where, but perhaps not to Phoenix or EDEN).

eSpain offered them an field abundant in oil, they were right about that...

But according to one eItalian official, eMexico was a country that had been politically taken-over by eSpanish nationals, which throws into the mix the potential reason that eItaly were being duped by one nation, appearing to be two separate ones. This of course could have been a long & hard thought-out plan by EDEN leadership to use eItaly as a scape-goat, thus forcing the Security Council of Phoenix to focus on eItaly’s unusual political U-turn, instead of the matter that some of the eUnited Kingdom’s regions are still in Polish hands.

Or it could still be part one of EDEN’s plans for world domination once again before or after V2 is fully up-and-running?

The fact alone that Phoenix has chosen to embargo eItaly without trying to fully understand eItaly’s reasoning behind its decision, not to mention the fact that the eItalians feel as if they have no voice anymore with Phoenix (and this has been a feeling they’ve had a long time before this crisis emerged), means we could well possibly see the collapse of the Entente alliance.

If, and heaven forbid, Entente leadership e.g. eFrance, eUkraine decide to issue a trade embargo against eItaly. Then eItaly will feel as if they are being forced into the arms of EDEN for support of their country. With one of the key founding members of Entente forced out of the alliance, the rest of Entente could follow, meaning its member states would be left prey to either rogue states or to the will of EDEN.

Now, we can all imagine what would happen if Entente collapsed, and the eItalians moved under EDEN jurisdiction...

These babies would be rolling down every street in member states of Phoenix...

This is where we now need international co-operation over international division and isolation; this is where we require compromise from all parties involved (Phoenix, Entente, and eItaly) instead of adversity, and blame.

Now I know I’m not exactly experienced in this game or in international affairs etc. But I am willing to make the difference; I came into politics in the eUK to make a difference. I don’t speak for my party when I am talking about this matter, nor do I speak for eItaly or anyone; I am merely passing on the point that by automatically condemning an old friend to many Phoenix countries, you are pushing them into enemy hands.

If there was ever a great, desirable need for international co-operation, it is now. Don’t make the wrong decision that you are inevitably going to regret later on down the line when most of Europe lies in EDEN hands.

Just because it's happened once, doesn't mean it wont happen again...

I implore those involved to see reason, eItaly, the decision you made is only going to benefit you in the immediate future. What makes you think an EDEN country wont wrestle the region you gained off you in the end, when they realise they have no further use for you?

Those on the security council of Phoenix please come to a compromise with eItaly, at the end of the day, would you rather they be on our side or EDEN’s side? Dealing with one EDEN member state does not make them automatically an enemy to the free world, nor does international condemnation over the situation, which will only further fan the flames.

Please, for the sake of every nation involved, try and sort out this matter diplomatically and with understanding of each side of the story. Division is only going to further drive the stake into the heart of many international friendships, thus leaving us wide-open to attack from EDEN. If we continue bickering over this, instead of being reasonable politicians, we might as-well wave the white flag to let EDEN know we’re giving up.

One thing I don't want to wake up to...

In the words of the late John Lennon, "Give peace a chance..."

A great man, we would do him justice to follow his lead...