The Coalition of Unity, Charter Draft

Day 945, 00:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by KarlKorne

This Charter is but a Draft, And will be built upon and revised as parties provide pledges of support and start voting there candidates. If anyone has a question. Keep it respectful and I shall answer.

Ireland Coalition for Unity

Charter and Coalition Foundings

1.1 The Ireland Coalition for Unity was founded by a group of select individuals of various Political Parties throughout Ireland. Members of the Socialist Democrat Party came together to start the coalition with the combination of members of the Labour Party. With the combining of various Political Parties, The individuals swore a oath to each other to see this coalition to success.

1.2 The Coalition will not turn away a Single Irishmen or Irishwomen of good standing in the Irish Community, The Coalition enforces a no prejudice policy throughout its membership. As such any political party may join the Coalition and take part in the birth of unity. Each Party that joins the coalition will sign a public agreement to put aside its ill toward any other political party or individual of Ireland. Giving hope that they help build a much stronger and united Ireland.

1.3 The Coalition will also be run by a committee of party elected individuals. In which can be voted out by a vote of no confidence by there respective party. No party will hold more political committee votes neither, Each party will have a nominated 2 officials who must be of good standing withing Ireland,

1.4 The Committee will also be headed by the Unity Founding Father-Karl Korne for a term of 4 months, After such the committee may nominate a new candidate should they desire to vote a new candidate of the coalition. The standard term will last 30days and be up for committee nominations. In such, No single candidate can be of the committee. And each Party may nominate 1 candidate.

Rights of the Parties

2.1 Each party shall be given 2 nominated members from its respective party to represent the party on the committee. Any nominated committee member can be voted off the committee by a vote of no confidence from there party.

2.2 Each Party shall be free to choose its committee members. The Committee members must be voted in by the party as a whole. No party shall be able to dictate who is a committee member. Each Committee members is to be voted as a whole. Not by the Party Officers.

2.3 Each Party shall be free to vote its committee members without prejudice or pressure from another political party. If any Political Parties are found to be in violation they shall be temporarily suspended from the committee for a time span of 15 days.

2.4 Each Party shall be free to withdraw from the Coalition at any given time should they desire. Not being pressured or forced into the coalition or required to make it a permanent commitment should they believe the coalition is not suiting the ideals of a united Ireland.

Rights of the Committee

3.1 The Committee is the voting power of the Coalition. To keep balance withing the coalition to prevent larger parties from dominating the votes.

3.2 The Committee has the right to start investigations into accusations of other committee members who claim a political imbalance is being perpetrated.

3.3 The Committee has the right to vote and develop new coalition ideals, works, and efforts.

3.4 The Committee has the right to suspend a party and its delegates upon a 3/4ths vote from the committee. If only under the basis that the party in question has taken advantage or abused another party or its position withing the coalition.

3.5 The Committee after the first four terms shall have the right to nominate a new chair which will be the head of the Coalition and its efforts. The nominees shall not be of committee seats. The nominees shall be of good standing in the Irish Community.

The Chair {Head of committee}

4.1 The Chair shall be a person nominated by any committee member. The chair shall not be of current committee.

4.2 The Chair will hold no vote in the committee except to break a draw or stalemate. But must have made the call based on impartial status, Showing time invested carefully into the final vote to break the draw.

4.3 The Chair shall step in and act as a mediator during a committee dispute, Such as if the committee starts feuding with itself and starts being disrespectful.

4.4 The Chair has the power to call a vote of no confidence in a committee member should the chair believe the committee member is not performing the duties of the people.

4.5 The Chair shall address all concerns of the people to the committee should a citizen be ignored and there requests go ignored.

The Rights of the Citizen

5.1 The citizen shall have the most say and voice.

5.2 All citizen concerns are to be heard and addressed among the committee.

5.3 A citizen may call for a vote of no confidence upon there committee member that represents there party. Upon such, The committee shall bring up a vote, Which shall be voted upon by the respective party, Preventing other parties from having committee members muscled out of there position.

5.4 The Citizen shall have open access to the final records to any committee meeting and at most times be permitted to view it while it is in progress. Allowing them to voice there words upon the discussion, To prevent there from not being heard by the committee.