The Chronices - Continued

Day 690, 09:56 Published in USA USA by Tronyx
By General Maxmillian VonWillebrand, eUS Airborne

With our population growing by the day, I wanted to send an article out to all of those younger soldiers and new recruits to give them more knowledge about what direction they could take in their eMilitary careers. The war is seemingly under control, and our sights now shift towards Hungary and ridding our soil of the PEACE tyrants, so here is a brief bit of background on those soldiers who serve in the eUS Airborne. These men are some of the best of the best, and fight alongside the elite in the military.

Col TheSpartan
Col Spartan, as he is referred to, has risen to his position through hard work, dedication and ingenuity. He served in the 82nd Airborne, 1st Platoon as Sgt and made major progress with regards to activity by using his own personal tracking methods. He personally implemented a tracking system that not only uncovered inactive soldiers, but also showed the LEVEL of activity for each soldier including the amount of fights, damage done, strength level gained, etc. This devotion got him recognized and catapulted his military career. He went from Sgt to Lt and then quickly climbed the ladder to Col and now my second in command of the Airborne when Col (Ret) Beefy announced his retirement. He has since deployed his tracking skills and strict enforcement of rules and regulations to help keep the entire Airborne sharp and on alert.

Col Claudius Caesar
Col Claudius arose to his position with the retirement of Dreadnuts the Mighty who formerly ran the 101st Airborne Division. His beginnings came from within the 101st Airborne as he constantly proved his ability to lead and command his troops. He has since stepped up to help run the Airborne as the commanding officer of the 101st Airborne as well as a QM officer. He is constantly watching over his troops and maintains a high profile on IRC for his soldiers. He is another fine officer in the Airborne.

Brig General CheesyQueso
Cheesy, as everyone calls him, came to the Airborne looking for adventure and he sure found it. He slowly moved up the ranks from private and shifted his focus to the Quartermaster General’s office where he became the assistant to the QMG, and ultimately the QMG himself. Cheesy prides himself in having a good working knowledge of the QM offices and has chosen very able minded individuals in the past to help him run them such as Major Eat More Bacon.

All around, these 3 individuals are my primary officer corps that I have in place to maintain the day-to-day operations within the Airborne. They maintain an open dialogue with each of their Lt’s assigned to them within their divisions and monitor our general welfare. If you think you have the activity level that we require, and have any interest in being part of a tight-knit, mobile unit, then look no further. Send your application in HERE: and get started on the path to a different side of the eArmed Forces.