The Central Investment Bank of Canada (CIBC) Bank Policy

Day 949, 23:49 Published in Canada Canada by AugustusV

The Central Investment Bank of Canada

Bank Status:
-CIBC Deposit/Investment Accounts: OPEN

CIBC is eCanada's largest commercial investment bank! Find out more about our exciting new offers and opportunity to invest with CIBC!

Invest with eCanada's oldest, and largest commercial investment bank! CEO Octavian_F announces that "CIBC is ready to emerge as eCanada's, and eRepublik's, safest and biggest commercial investment banks!"

CIBC is fully equipped with all the necessary tools continue to offer the highest interest rates on deposits out of any other bank, and to continue to provide our trademark "100% safe investment guarantee" offer.

The reason CIBC stood out from the crowd was because CIBC did not only offer higher interest rates than most other conventional banks, but because we also offered a very unconventional 100% safe-investing service.

Today CIBC is still committed to this special service and will continue to offer the 100% safe investing service to of our all clients. This means that CIBC will not loan our your money, or invest it in ways which put it in any sort of serious jeopardy or risk. The small losses CIBC may incur once in a while can be easily covered by our own capital. Your funds are even protected by a capital of over 300 gold.

In our 12-months of operation CIBC has served over 50 clients, and managed over 4000 gold. CIBC CEO Octavian_F has over 14 months of experience in speculating and trading on the market. He is part of an exclusive banking cartel composed of some of eRepublik's most famous and successful financial enthusiasts, and is well-connected to financial elites all over eRepublik.

Unfortunately, Admins no longer enforce in-game contracts, therefore CIBC can not longer offer its trademark contracts to it's clients. However, given our 12 months of operation, and the many clients we have served, CIBC has built a reputation far beyond what any contract could do.

If you are unsure whether it is safe to invest please send us a message asking us for a list of former clients, and we will gladly refer you our many satisfied clients who will testify for us the great service that CIBC provides. In the past we have served international clients, famous eCanadians, and have even had a healthy list of clients from the now well-know "Crimson Order".

CIBC offers the highest interest rates around. If you can find and prove that rates are higher anywhere else, CIBC will not only match those rates, but add an extra 0.5%!

CIBC has a long history. We have long outlived our predecessors, who have systematically been banned for fraud (such as Standard Bank, etc). Our long life of operation should be another guarantee that CIBC is a dependable bank to invest with.

Investment Options

CIBC has simplified investment. That is why we have put minimum deposit requirement and have made our rates more standardized and easier to process.

CIBC Savings Account:
The classic CIBC investor is back, however a few modifications have been made. Please read the information below for more info on this account type.

-Minimum Deposit: 20 Gold
-Minimum Contract Length: 2 Weeks (14 days)
-Interest Rates: 2% interest per week (8% interest per month).

CIBC Gold Account:
This account has been created for our higher-end clients, and offers higher interest rates.

-Minimum Deposit: 50 Gold
-Minimum Contract Length: 2 weeks (14 days)
-Interest Rates: 3% compounded interest per week (over 12% interest per month)

CIBC SrsBizns Account
This account is set up by private negotiation with CIBC and is reserved for special deals which usually include investments of over 200 gold. This account is srsbizns.

Investment Policy:
-CIBC holds the right to return all sums invested back to the investor at any given time.

Additional Policies:
- CIBC only deals in gold. If you wish to invest in currency, CIBC will convert it into gold using the most recent market conversion rates.

Non-eCanadian Clients
CIBC will do business with any citizen in the eWorld regardless of nationality. We say this in order to avoid any confusions. We are very interested in doing business at an international level, especially since we believe our rates and services are highly competitive worldwide.

We have a history of international business, having previously served Canadian, American, Indonesian, Hungarian, Romanian, and Swedish clients.