The CAO and you!

Day 825, 01:50 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by OE_Volksgezondheid


As all of you probably know the economy in eRepublik and in our nation is facing hard times. For employers it is hard to get good profits, and for employees its hard to get decent wages. To ensure fairness in the market and ensure a stable market our country has the CAO. This can be found here.

The CAO States the following:

All companies in our nation, except the training companies owned by our nation, have to pay these wages as minimum:
Skill 0 and 1 = minimum wage
Skill 2 = minimum wage + 1 NLG
Skill 3 = minimum wage + 2 NLG
than all skills * 2 NLG (but also after the digit so skill 3.5 will be 7 NLG minimum).
Companies are allowed to pay less when they compensate it with donations and the employees agree on that.

The reason for this is to ensure that there is fair competition in the marketplace and to prevent possible collapses in market prices!

However I must also warn to all employees and employers that it is not good to save your money! Why?

Well basically saving your money is bad for the economy! It leads to less people buying things, drop in prices which results in businesses going out of business which in the result results in higher unemployment!

What can employers do? Well an idea is to see if you can export your goods abroad in case of high stockpiles, or even try paying higher wages. Paying higher wages results in worker loyalty, and loyal workers tend to work harder.

What can employees do? Spend spend spend! You should buy weapons when you can, buy a better house if possible or even buy government bonds and receive 20% in 3 months!

So help the UNL!

Minister of State Companies