The CanVision Call

Day 1,446, 10:11 Published in Canada Canada by Andrew McKenzie Caine


I write to you today with a pledge; a pledge to every eCanadian. This promise and vision has resounded from the Harbinger. and the Oculus before, but will continue to echo throughout eCanada. CanVision Party pledges that every eCanadian have the opportunity to a unified and successful future.

We are a party that recognizes the deep-rooted accord within eCanada. For the most of the time, it is rusty and unkempt. Yet, as mentioned in our address, it shines through when eCanada finds itself in turmoil. CanVision embodies this unity. We do not play the games of finger-pointing and dirty politics. We believe in simple facts, hard truths, and the declaration of putting differences aside. We may not all agree on each other’s ideals and actions, but we all strive for the common goal: the success of eCanada.

We applaud, recognize, and encourage the aspirations of our politicians. Though, too often are we torn apart by scandals and the debilitating ideal of denial. We may be so blinded by our beliefs and the hope of glorification that we battle against each other. These battles rage so fiercely that the country is pulled in different directions, and most of the time, impeachment is inevitable for a CP. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and their own success. There are tremendous politicians out there, eagerly waiting to help further shape and solidify eCanada. The dirty face of our politics at times pushes these politicians away or sometimes even out of eCanada.

There are times in eCanada where we need the best person to lead the country. These are times when we must step back and acknowledge that our own aspirations should go by the wayside. This is not to say that this person is overall the best person for eCanada the entire time. Different times call for different leadership approaches. It is unfortunate that it has taken so long to finally return to this. Every once in a while eCanada will awaken to find itself going in a more solidified direction. This progression is then severed by the interruptions of name-calling, and throwing people under the bus, or by people cheating and stealing. It is apart of the game and the system, we know, but it really does bog us down.

CanVision strives to be of level mind. Our party will always remain at the forefront of those who aspire to change eCanada for the better. We ask for opportunity for all, we strive for commitment and perseverance. We rally for our politicians to stand side-by-side as our soldiers do. We all stand on guard for eCanada. Whether it be politically, economically, militarily, or socially. It should not take a threat for us to band together once in a while. Take your wartime brotherhood and apply to each and every day within eCanada.

If you wish to see this change in eCanada, if you want to see a new way forward free of debilitating tactics and political quagmires, then we ask that you join CanVision. Join for the belief in eCanada’s future. Your future. We invest in eCanada. We are all eCanada. Join today and see how investing in each other builds eCanada beyond any height we have known before.

This is our rally. This is our call to the masses. This is, and always will be, our voice. Speak up today. We shall listen.


CanVision Party

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